Thursday, March 12, 2009

nz blogosphere rankings: February 2009

Survey period 01/02/2009 - 28/02/2009.
Please note the formula used:
TRAFFIC (Average daily unique visits)
+ INCOMING LINKS (Technorati "Authority")
+ POSTS (Average posts per week, viz: Total posts for month ÷ number of days in month x 7.)
+ COMMENTS (Average highest commented post per week, viz: Total four posts with the most comments for the month ÷ 4. )


Please note also that bracketed numbers indicate change over last survey. (-) means no change. Previous rankings (left) and scores (right) have been moved below the scoring calculation - in squared brackets. Further notes at end of list.

#1 (-) Kiwiblog :
06/2003+ "fomenting happy mischief"
David P Farrar : Right - National : Wellington
nz121 * 80,909 : c.10,000 (est.-verified01/2009:11,400) + 248 + 70 + 150 = 10,468 (-1438)
Previous surveys [rank:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] !

#2 (-) The Standard :
08/2007+ "The New Zealand labour movement newspaper digitally reborn"
all_your_base : Left - Labour : NZ
Iprent : Left - Labour : NZ
John A : Left - Labour : NZ
Eddie : Left - Labour : NZ
Steve Pierson/Clinton Smith : Left - Labour/Green : NZ
Tane : Left - Labour/Green : NZ
IrishBill : Left - Labour/Green : NZ
Dancer : Left - ? : NZ
Jasper : Left - ? : NZ
Natwatch : Left - ? : NZ
Ralph Malcolm : Left - ? : NZ
Sam Cash : Left - ? : NZ
Tillerman : Left - ? : NZ
Z K Muggletinspofin : Left - ? : NZ
whenua : Left - ? : NZ
nz310 * 171,503 : c.2000 (est.-verified11/2008:2590) + 118 + 35 + 110 = 2263 (-23)
[2,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,6,6,7,7,9] ! [2286,2313,2877,2706,2599,2009,2035,1569,1025,981,854,837,370]

#3 (+1) Not PC :
04/2005+ "promoting capitalist acts between consenting adults"
Peter Cresswell : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
Susan Ryder : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
Dr Richard McGrath : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
Bernard Darnton : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
nz609 * 319,407 : 1435 (self-reporting)+ 94 + 30 + 30 = 1589 (+422)
[4,3,4,6,5,7,6,6,5,4,6,5,5] ! [1167,1346,1695,1469,1475,1118,1130,1028,1121,1108,1053,1011,972]

#4 (-1) Public Address :
09/2002+ "community of New Zealand-centric weblogs"
Hard News Russell Brown : Left - ? : Auckland
Cracker Damian Christie : Other - ? : Wellington
Busytown Jolisa Gracewood ? - ? : Connecticut, USA
Island Life David Slack Other - ? : Auckland
Radiation Fiona Rae ? - ? : Auckland
Random Play Graham Reid ? - ? : Auckland
Field Theory Hadyn Green ? - ? : ?
Southerly David Haywood ? - ? : Christchurch
Legal Beagle Graeme Edgeler : Right - ? : NZ
Up Front Emma Hart : ? - ? : NZ
nz404 * 242,259 : c.700 (est.-no stats) + 174 + 10 + 280 = 1164 (-107)
[3,5,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] ! [1271,1083,2834,2424,2435,2431,2445,3317,3499,3416,1920,1896,1903]

#5 (-) No Minister :
06/2007+ "Sir Humphrey's... [acid reflux?]"
Fairfacts Media : Right - ? : NZ
Psycho Milt : Left - ? : Palmerston North
Gooner : Right - Act : Auckland
Adolf Fiinkensein : Right - National : Auckland
Lou Taylor : Right - ? : Auckland
Grant : Right - ? : Auckland
Barnsley Bill : Right - ? : Northland
nz474 * 331,499 : 990 (self-reporting/verified) + 66 + 40 + 40 = 1136 (+184)
[5,4,5,4,10,6,7,7,10,11,13,11,11] ! [952,1109,1657,1791,1078,1156,938,968,618,492,442,455,353]

#6 (+3) No Right Turn :
02/2003+ "Irredeemably Liberal"
Idiot/Savant : Left - ? : Palmerston North
nz1,037 * 599,826 : 865 (sitemeter) + 136 + 25 + nil = 1026 (+192)
[9,8,7,9,8,9,9,8,7,7,5,6,4] [834,910,1195,1089,1103,927,850,828,911,877,1055,933,1022]

#7 (-1) Whale Oil Beef Hooked :
11/2005+ "political commentary with bite"
Whaleoil/Cameron Slater Right - National : Auckland
nz260 * 181,000 : 800 (verified -Piwik) + 73 + 65 + 15 = 953 (+29)
[6,6,6,7,6,5,4,3,3,3,3,4,6] ! [924,1070,1332,1180,1210,1222,1787,1572,1477,1305,1242,1120,880]

#8 (-1) Frogblog :
03/2005+ "political blog Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand"
Russel Norman : Left - Green : Wellington
frog : Left - Green : Wellington
Nandor Tanczos : Left - Green : NZ
Catherine Delahunty : Left - Green : Wellington
nz843 * 176,797 : c.700(80% of (est.-no stats) + 109 + 15 + 125 = 949 (+49)
[7,7,8,8,9,4,5,5,4,5,4,3,3] ! [900,971,1144,1147,1100,1315,1136,1106,1163,983,1213,1172,1329]

#9 (+1) Tumeke! :
04/2005+ "Aotearoa, international - current affairs and culture"
Tim Selwyn : Other - ? : Auckland
Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury : Left - ? : Auckland
Phoebe Fletcher : Left - ? : Auckland
nz988 * 515,394 : 600 (extremetracking) + 97 + 35 + 50 = 782 (-17)
[10,9,9,12,11,10,10,10,11,12,10,12,7] * [799,720,952,718,699,639,564,574,544,455,479,425,403]

#10 (-2) Dim Post :
01/2008+ "Satire"
Danyl Mclauchlan : Other - ? : Wellington
nz909 * 402,929 : 660 (Sitemeter) + 49 + 7 + 45 = 761 (-81)
[8,11,16,13,12,16,19,32,71,new] [842,557,628,678,696,457,327,229,85,new]
#11 (-) Poneke’s Weblog :
12/2007+ "Politically and socially aware media professional of 20 years’ experience"
Poneke : Other - ? : Wellington
nz4,707 * 941,619 : 610 (Statcounter) + 89 + 7 + 30 = 736 (+165)
[11,18,18,18,17,13,11,11,9,10,11,17,63] ! [571,328,498,510,463,517,540,563,677,565,461,361,61] Login required (not public) @ 11/03/2009

#12 (+3) The Hand Mirror:
03/2008+ "Feminism, NZ and international politics, plus cupcakes"
Lil'E : Left - ? : NZ
Maia : Left - ? : NZ
The ex-expat : Left - Labour : NZ
Undomestic Goddess : ? - ? : NZ
The Bewildering Case of Ms Enid Tak-Entity : Left - ? : NZ
Julie Fairey : Left - ? : NZ
Deborah : Left - ? : NZ
Anjum Rahman/stargazer : Left - Labour : NZ
Anna : Left - ? : NZ
* 819,684
: 425 (extremetracking) + 72 + 30 + 55 = 582 (+186)
[15,19,20,22,22,18,20,14,30,55,new] ! [396,293,379,317,316,412,326,326,294,119,new]

#13 (+3) Roar Prawn :
08/2008+ "Militant carnivore, larger than life, often seen lunching"
Busted Blonde : Right - ? : Wellington
nz1,429 * 788,680 : 395 (Sitemeter)+ 42 + 25 + 8 = 470 (+80)
[16,17,15,11,13,34,new] ! [390,337,651,934,685,245,new]

#14 (+4) The Inquiring Mind : www.
02/2008+ "news/politics/humour/sport"
Adam Smith : Other - ? : Wellington
nz1,323 * 663,612 : 340 (self-reporting/verified) + 60 + 40 + 20 = 460 (+169)
[18,16,14,15,15,11,12,12,14,new] ! [291,368,656,649,577,539,459,446,387,new]

#15 (-3) Homepaddock :
04/2008+ "A rural perspective with a blue tint"
Ele Ludemann : Right - National : North Otago
nz1,036 * 576,227 : 345 (verified) + 66 + 30 + 8 = 449 (+26)
[12,15,17,17,16,12,16,21,100+,new] ! [423,412,612,513,484,523,343,282,46,new]

#16 (-3) New Zeal :
05/2005+ "Promoting liberty"
Trevor Loudon : Right - Act/Libertarian : Christchurch
nz14,087 * 725,399 : c.140 (est.-no stats) + 226 + 10 + 20 = 396 (-23)
[13,10,12,16,23,30,39,30,25,18,14,13,15] [419,619,698,628,314,280,213,242,312,329,388,378,317]

#17 (-) Cactus Kate :
12/2005+ "Feminism at its finest"
Cactus Kate : Right - Act : Hong Kong, China
nz902 * 466,299 : c.300 (est.-no stats) + 46 + 13 + 30 = 389 (+10)
[17,13,13,14,14,15,13,13,13,15,15,14,10] ! [379,456,668,676,596,479,452,416,414,363,387,377,354]

#18 (-4) Kiwipolitico :
01/2009+ "Environmentalist, centre-left/left-of-centre, public policy and the political process."
Jafapete : Left - ? : Auckland
Anita : Left - ? : Wellington
Pablo : Left - ? : Overseas
Roger Nome : Left - ? : NZ
nz1,038 * 676,416 : c.280 (est.-self-reporting/verified01/2009:290) + 46 + 15 + 40 = 381 (-23)
[14,new] ! [404,new]

#19 (+3) The Visible Hand in Economics :
07/2007+ "Exploring government and society’s role in economics"
James Zuccollo : Other - ? : Wellington
Matt Nolan : Other - ? : NZ
nz891 * 467,562 : 305 (Sitemeter) + 33 + 20 + 20 = 378 (+138)
[22,30,19,20,19,22,17,16,28,42,44,49,68] [240,193,464,487,399,345,338,296,305,211,177,120,58]

#20 (-) Hot topic :
04/2007+ "Global warming in NZ/AUT"
Gareth Renowden : Other - ? : Waipara
nz20,260 * 1,654,690 : 220 (verified) + 41 + 6 + 45 = 312 (+60)
[20,25,24,25,21,33,31,28,45,35,68,62,50] ! [252,205,300,245,333,254,257,249,178,261,88,87,104]
#21 (+4) Reading the maps :
04/2004+ "Kiwi kultcha, cartography, history, herstory"
maps : Left - ? : NZ
muzzlehatch : Left - ? : Auckland
Skyler : Left - Green : Auckland
nz? * 3,114,183 : 200 (extremetracking)+ 42 + 3 + 30 = 275 (+49)
[25,28,27,28,29,43,50,48,48,49,45,44,36] [226,201,241,234,203,188,138,147,152,147,167,144,140]

#22 (-3) Open Parachute :
05/2007+ "A scientist comments on philosophy, science, religion/Retired scientist."
Ken Perrott : Other - ? : Waikato
nz? * 971,990 : c.200 (est.-verified01/2009:210) + 44 + 5 + 25 = 274 (-10)
[19,new] [284,new]

#23 (+28) In a strange land :
07/2007+ "Feminism"
Deborah : Left - ? : NZ
nz22,348 * 2,571,682 : 185 (Sitemeter)+ 48 + 6 + 25 = 264 (+152)
[51,54,54,52,49,50,42,43,38,26,41,41,46] [112,104,122,120,129,155,192,193,230,298,205,161,113]

#24 (+6) Anti-Dismal :
11/2007+ "Economics/Lecturer Canterbury University"
Paul Walker : Other - ? : Christchurch
nz3,349 * 1,118,507 : 195 (sitemeter) + 44 + 15 + 5 = 259 (+55)
[30,57,26,29,37,58,53,50,82,new] [204,100,255,223,168,128,124,129,72,new]

#25 (+7) (The Briefing Room) :
04/2006+ "Investigate magazine's breaking news forum"
Ian Wishart : Right - Christian/National : Auckland
Andrei : Right - Christian/National : NZ
* 571,937
: c.200 (est.-no stats) + 32 + 4 + 15 = 251 (+68)
[32,27,31,35,30,25,22,29,17,23,26,26,23] [183,203,223,182,198,318,305,247,342,306,297,285,232]

#26 (-5) Radical cross stitch :
11/2004+ "Bloggreen/Kakariki/radical activism"
Kakariki : Left -Green : NZ
nz34,726 * 693,336 : c.170 (est.-verified@08/2008:300) + 75 + 2 + 3 = 250 (-2)
[21,20,21,21,20,19,43,46,35,43,47,48,47] [252,270,379,370,368,401,180,182,238,198,146,130,112]

#27 (+4) MacDoctor Moments :
06/2008+ "Politics and Medicine: A Lethal Combination"
Dr. Jim McVeagh : ? - ? : NZ
nz4,313 * 1,206,8746 : 175 (extremetracking)+ 27 + 15 + 10 = 227 (-33)
[31,34,57,71,new] ! [194,166,114,75,new]

#28 (-4) Barnsley Bill :
01/2007+ "My sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others"
Barnsley Bill : Right - ? : Northland
Reasonable Ray : Right - ? : Auckland
The Kohi Yid : Right - ? : Auckland
nz847 * 723,380 : 155 (verified) + 40 + 15 + 10 = 220 (-7)
[24,21,25,32,27,29,40,41,86,100+,75,54,76] ! [227,246,288,198,216,287,207,197,68,38,76,105,52]

#29 (+24) Liberty Scott :
08/2005+ "the pursuit of happiness and private property"
Liberty Scott : Right - Libertarian : UK
nz1,773 * 1,136,377 : 165 (verified) + 30 + 20 + 4 = 219 (+111)
[53,31,28,24,25,21,18,18,18,34,51,55,43] [108,193,236,254,265,361,336,293,336,262,122,105,125]

#30 (-3) New Zealand Conservative :
03/2007+ "Catholic: Sine Dominico Non Possomos"
MrTips : Right - Conservative/Catholic : NZ
Lucyna : Right - Conservative/Catholic : NZ
I.M Fletcher : Right - Conservative/Christian : NZ
ZenTiger : Right - Conservative/Catholic : NZ
Greg : Right - Conservative/Catholic : NZ
nz549 * 394,699 : 135 (est.-self-reporting 12/2008:135) + 47 + 9 + 25 = 216 (-6)
[27,22,23,23,24,23,15,22,21,19,18,16,22] [222,230,317,300,297,331,367,280,327,329,343,362,263]
#31 (-8) Something should go here, maybe later :
09/2006+ "halfdone/political and Christian issues - conservative"
scrubone : Right - Conservative/Christian : NZ
nz923 * 618,279 : 125 (sitemeter) + 67 + 11 + 10 = 213 (-23)
[23,24,33,34,36,41,33,45,31,24,33,30,20] [236,206,202,184,171,205,239,183,287,306,268,269,284]

#32 (+4) Capitalism bad, Tree pretty :
10/2005+ "Unconditional love, solidarity, freedom"
Maia : Left - ? : NZ
nz20,470 * 3,812,310 : 105 (sitemeter) + 96 + 4 + 3 = 208 (+41)
[36,39,40,39,32,49,38,42,39,38,23,27,13] [167,146,172,168,189,167,213,197,228,223,305,280,319]

#33 (-5) Put 'em all on an island :
08/2003+ "Connecting the electrodes of queer wisdom to the nipples of bigotry and ignorance"
Uroskin : Left - Green : Waiheke Island
nz32,276 * 1,953,473 : 180 (ShinyStat) + 21 + 2 + 3 = 206 (-9)
[28,33,64,new] ! [215,189,100,new]

#34 (-5) :
02/2005+ "news/information/opinion/debate/humour"
Whoar/Phil : Left - Green : NZ
nz6,570 * 1,454,797 : c.60 (est.-no stats) + 14 + 130 + 1 = 205 (-5)
[29,29,34,30,28,27,28,31,15,17,30,35,26] [210,195,195,205,205,296,266,238,359,337,282,234,212]

#35 (-) Keeping Stock :
08/2007+ "Politics, education, church activities"
Inventory2 : Right - ? : Whanganui
nz1,887 * 948,333 : c.100 (est.-no stats) + 34 + 35 + 15 = 184 (+17)
[35,23,22,19,18,17,14,25,37,41,43,34,42] [167,219,378,491,402,432,374,262,230,218,192,240,126]

#36 (-10) Fundy post :
11/2006+ "religious politics, Art, philosophy"
Paul Litterick : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 1,970,679 : 130 (sitemeter) + 43 + 3 + 7 = 183 (-40)
[26,35,30,43,41,53,57,47,58,44,37,33,30] [223,166,230,154,159,150,117,152,123,176,237,255,163]

#37 (-4) The Persuader :
01/2006+ "Publisher, Lucire"
Jack Yan : Left - Alliance : NZ
nz1,923 * 771,534 : c.140 (est.-no stats) + 30 + 3 + 3 = 176 (+1)
[33,32,37,new] [175,190,181,new]

#38 (-1) Big News :
03/2004+ "News, views, politics"
Dave Crampton : Other - ? : Wellington
nz1,549 * 663,779 : 105 (verified) + 51 + 11 + 3 = 170 (+15)
[37,37,36,26,43,56,52,53,46,47,29,28,31] ! [155,156,185,243,154,133,129,118,158,157,291,276,160]

#39 (+15) MandM :
11/2006+ "Christian Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, Civil Liberties, Politics & Social Commentary"
Dr Matthew Flannagan : Right - Classical liberal : Auckland
Madeleine Flannagan : Right - Classical liberal : Auckland
nz455 * 524,610 : 85 (sitemeter) + 52 + 6 + 13 = 156 (+54)
[54,50,46,50,77,92,100+,96,97,97] [102,118,154,126,67,61,31,31,40,43,45,44.5,33]

#40 (+2) Lindsay Mitchell :
12/2005+ "The welfare state is unsustainable economically, socially and morally"
Lindsay Mitchell : Right - Act : Wellington
nz2,861 * 1,124,303 : c.90 (est.-no stats)+ 37 + 12 + 10 = 149 (+22)
[42,47,50,54,50,45,49,49,41,37,39,40,29] [127,121,132,117,126,183,145,132,216,240,235,180,166]
#41 (-1) Workers Party :
02/2008+ "Formerly 'The Spark' - Official Blog of the Workers Party (NZ)/Marxist"
WP Admin/R Broad : Left - Workers Party : NZ
nz? * 3,770,404 : 100 (Sitemeter)+ 36 + 5 + 7 = 148 (+7)
[40,36,29,67,100+,new] [141,160,235,80,18,35,42,42,27,new]

#42 (+1) Just Left :
04/2004+ "Equality, fairness and freedom - a Labour view on NZ politics"
Jordan Carter : Left - Labour : Auckland/Wellington
nz4,064 * 1,208,981 : c.80 (est.-no stats) + 45 + 8 + 12 = 145 (+22
[43,53,53,45,48,31,23,15,20,14,17,15,12] [123,107,124,136,129,261,304,301,328,365,369,374,349]

#43 (+5) Monkeys with Typewriters :
12/2007+ "White male in my forties. Used to be rather 'Left' now am 'a bit right'"
Lee Clark : Left - Maori Party : Auckland
nz1,558 * 1,005,086 : c.90 + 17 + 15 + 20 = 142 (+29)
[48,52,51,56,57,69,65,62,67,50,50,100+] ! [113,110,130,114,106,100,98,100,94,127,128,40,21]

#44 (-6) Hitting Metal With A Hammer :
06/2006+ "Anglosphere"
Murray Hill : Right - ? : Wellington
Alisa : Right - ? : Israel?
Dave : Right - ? : UK?
Mike : Right - ? : USA?
Country Bumpkint : Right - ? : NZ?
nz7,190 * 1,610,180 : 105 (sitemeter) + 25 + 3 + 6 = 139 (-9)
[38,45,38,40,39,55,48,52,47,51,48,45,28] [148,126,179,157,162,134,147,121,157,125,145,137,180]

#45 (+1) Policy Blog :
08/2008+ "Political policy online"
Bryan Spondre : ? - ? : NZ
nz4,623 * 1,374,581 : c.70 (est.-no data) + 66 + 1 + nil = 137 (+16)
[46,12,10,10,7,14,new] [121,463,852,1010,1153,482,new]

#46 (-12) Dear John :
11/2008+ "CEO, Wellington Regional Chamber of Commerce"
Charles Finny : ? - ? : Wellington
nz8,160 * 775,070 : c.130 (self-reporting11/2008c.130) + ? + 5 + 2 = 137 (-31)
[34,48,100+,new] [168,120,53,new]

#47 (-8) Oswald Bastable's Ranting :
07/2005+ "Pollitically Incorrect and friggin' proud of it!"
Oswald Bastable : Right - Libertarian : Featherston
nz3,228 * 1,214,966 : c.80 (est.-no stats) + 34 + 9 + 10 = 133 (-8)
[39,38,44,49,47,48,51,57,73,77,66,58,59] [141,152,156,127,130,167,131,108,83,72,89,98,74]

#48 (+10) The Humanitarian Chronicle :
04/2008+ "unofficial blog of TEAR Fund NZ - Christian activism around the developing world"
Admin : ? - ? : NZ
nz5,133 * 2,462,669 : 105 (Sitemeter) + 14 + 9 + 5 = 133 (+41)
[58,100,100+,new] [92,54,56,51,37,43,41,41,32,new]

#49 (-8) RobiNZ personal blog :
03/2004+ "no CAD here! Just the other stuff/cars"
Robinz : ? - ? : Auckland
nz9,108 * 455,858 : c.120 (est.-no stats) (50% + 7 + 3 + 2 = 132 (+2)
[41,42,45,41,42,38,34,36,40,39,38,36,new] [130,132,155,157,158,218,229,222,222,222,236,230,new]

#50 (-6) Clint Heine and Friends :
05/2005+ "Musings and abusings"
Clint Heine : Right - Act : NZ
BoomTownPrat : Right - ? : NZ
Shout Above the Noise : Right - ? : NZ
Not Astute : Right - ? : NZ
nz3,177 * 1,350,982 : c.70 (verified - sitemeter10/2008:80)+ 33 + 12 + 12 = 127 (+4)
[44,49,41,37,33,28,24,34,29,28,21,21,17] [123,120,170,177,187,295,296,226,302,294,308,312,308]
#51 (+1) Aotearoa: a wider perspective:
07/2007+ "International finance and how it connects to Aotearoa"
travellerev : Left - ? : NZ
nz25,685 * 1,266,214 : 40 (Statcounter) + 37 + 40 + 5 = 122 (+10)
[50,59,61,53,40,51,35,44,44,48,69,new] ! [112,91,103,119,160,154,226,186,188,148,87,new]

#52 (+7) Kotare | The strategist :
01/2007+ "Kotare's journal on global affairs"
Peter : Other - ? : Wellington
nz26,173 * 1,666,761 : c.55 (est.-no stats) + 43 + 9 + 10 = 117 (-6)
[45,46,52,47,45,47,41,39,34,45,49,43,33] [123,123,130,133,137,172,193,210,243,173,130,146,152]

#53 (+4) Pundit :
09/2008+ "News analysis, commentary, and thoughtful pondering"
Jane Young : ? - ? : Wellington
David Beatson : ? - ? : NZ
Eleanor Black : ? - ? : NZ
David Lewis : ? - ? : NZ
Dr Jon Johansson : ? - ? : Wellington
Tim Watkin : ? - ? : NZ
nz2,396 * 1,222,286 : c.80 (est.-no stats) + est.10 + 15 + 7 = 112 (+18)
[57,26,32,31,66,new] [94,205,220,198,86,new]

#54 (-2) John Key :
11/2006+ "National party leader, MP for Helensville"
John Key : Right - National : Wellington/Auckland
nz6,463 * 2,168,166 : c.55 (est.-no stats) + 38 + 6 + 8 = 107 (-3)
[52,41,42,48,52,59,54,60,43,33,35,32,39] [110,133,168,130,118,125,123,102,190,272,261,257,139]

#55 (-) Dave Gee: Life from Right Field :
12/2004+ "News, music, TV, media, sports and life"
Dave Gee : Right - ? : Dunedin
nz4,010 * 1,071,373 : c.90 (est.-no stats) + 7 + 1 + 1 = 99 (-1)
[55,44,43,33,34,24,21,33,36,13,12,10,18] [100,130,166,192,182,321,313,226,236,380,455,461,300]

#56 (-7) :
07/2008+ "Anyone can write for gblog so long as you are a current Green Party member"
(multiple authors) : Left - Green : NZ
nz11,430 * 1,995,753 : c.55 (est.-no stats) + 28 + 5 + 8 = 96 (-16)
[49,43,47,44,46,42,83,new] ! [112,131,153,150,133,193,67,new]

#57 (+8) Stephen Franks :
02/2007+ "consultant lawyer, former Act MP/National candidate for Wellington Central"
Stephen Franks : Right - National : Wellington
nz4,928 * 2,450,154 : c.50 + 39 + 3 + 3 = 95 (+12)
[65,56,49,42,44,39,36,26,22,25,34,37,32] [83,101,139,154,139,216,222,253,324,298,267,216,154]

#58 (+19) Ethical Martini :
04/2007+ "cocktail of journalism and alcohol/media ethics"
Martin Hirst : Left - ? : NZ
nz5,235 * 2,162,844 : c.55 + 20 + 8 + 9 = 92 (+22)
[77,100+,68,59,46,47,64,62,81,100+] [70,43,54,80,98,181,161,98,102,65,26,37,new]

#59 (-3) Mulholland Drive :
12/2006+ "Life lived liberally"
Blair Mulholland : Right - Act : Auckland
nz8,598 * 1,809,410 : c.60 (est.-no stats) + 23 + 3 + 2 = 88 (-9)
[56,51,48,36,35,26,25,17,16,22,28,29,25] [97,113,141,178,179,311,292,294,357,314,295,274,221]

#60 (-) Socialist Aotearoa :
04/2006+ "of workers, by workers, for workers"
Joseph 'Solidarity Jo' : Left - Socialist : NZ
nz? * 3,829,267 : 85 (statcounter) + nil + 2 + 1 = 88 (+1)
[60,90,78,new] [87,59,75,new]
#61 (+3) Kiwi Polemicist :
08/2008+ "On politics, economics, and more"
KP : Right - Christian/classical liberal : NZ
* 2,179,933
: c.55 + 18 + 6 + 5 = 84 (+1)
[64,71,72,92,new] [83,72,82,58,new]

#62 (-) Alliance New Zealand :
11/2006+ "Alliance party of New Zealand"
Admin : Left - Alliance : NZ
nz11,515 * 2,680,508 : c.50 + 32 + 1 + 1 = 84 (-1)
[62,62,65,69,81,95,97,93,83,94,100+,64] [85,83,97,78,65,57,55,57,71,55,30,41,61]

#63 (-4) Silent Running :
09/2005+ "Anglosphere"
Rick Giles : Right - Act : NZ
Wind Rider : Right - ? : USA
Major Scarlet : Right - ? : USA
nz21,288 * 3,699,904 : c.35 + 46 + 1 + 1 = 83 (-7)
[59,55,58,55,51,52,44,38,26,30,16,18,21] [90,102,112,116,119,153,179,214,311,289,380,359,269]

#64 (+2) :
12/2006+ "Just for the sake of it"
? : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 1,228,394 : c.70 + 10 + 1 + nil = 81 (-1)
[66,75,new] ! [82,68,new]

#65 (+6) Knowledge Workers :
05/2008+ "thirty years experience as a front-line knowledge worker/journalist, editor and publisher"
Bill Bennett : ? - ? : Auckland
nz? * 3,052,057 : c.40 (verified11/2008c.55) + 29 + 7 + 4 = 80 (+6)
[71,81,77,82,82,93,new] [74,65,75,68,65,60,new]

#66 (+19) Media Fetish :
03/2008+ "NZ Media and communication"
Media Blogger : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 3,625,392 : 60 (Sitemeter) + 8 + 9 + 3 = 80 (+18)
[85,70,91,86,100+,new] [62,72,65,65,48,new]

#67 (+2) CBMilne33 :
07/2006+ "Workers of the world unite"
Colin Bruce milne : Left - Alliance : Te Awamutu
nz? * 1,881,510 : c.60 + 15 + 2 + 1 = 78 (+1)
[69,79,96,100+,75,56,49,62,100+] ! [77,66,60,43,46,35,78,109,151,105,37,41,29]

#68 (+5) Auckland blog :
11/2007+ "Auckland city councillor"
Aaron Bhatnagar : Right - National : Auckland
* 2,076,295
: c.55 (est.-no stats) + 12 + 7 + 4 = 78 (+6)
[73,98,100+,62,63,32,26,23,24,29,20,25,67] [72,54,55,90,90,257,278,280,314,290,311,286,59]

#69 (-6) Object Dart :
03/2007+ "message on the airwaves"
Che Tibby : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * 2,704,633 : c.45 + 23 + 2 + 8 = 78 (-6)
[63,61,66,63,62,64,55,51,53,54,56,52,new] [84,86,96,90,91,110,123,128,142,121,114,111,new]

#70 (+21) goNZo Freakpower Brains Trust :
10/2004+ "Who controls the control freaks?"
Will de Cleene : Other - ? : Wellington
nz5,857 * 1,918,710 : 40 (Sitemeter) + 23 + 10 + 3 = 76 (+22)
[91,89,83,87,96,100+,64,72,69,56,82,88,57] ! [54,59,71,65,53,53,99,88,88,114,69,50,82]
#71 (+7) PM of NZ :
05/2007+ "Politicians: Almost as well informed as bloggers"
PM of NZ : Right - ? : NZ
nz10,008 * 2,843,109 : c.50 + 11 + 12 + 3 = 76 (+7)
[78,72,59,66,67,63,61,71,100+,90,96,86] [69,71,104,83,80,113,105,89,32,36,56,45,42]

#72 (-25) Greenpeace NZ blog :
01/2008+ "Greenpeace NZ office staff (& others) speak their minds"
Nick : Left - ? : NZ
Francois : Left - ? : NZ
Kathy : Left - ? : NZ
nz16,590 * 1,432,861 : c.50 (70% of main page) + 15 + 4 + 7 = 76 (-38)
[47,66,68,61,61,61,66,new] [114,78,90,92,92,118,93,new]

#73 (27+) Truth Seeker :
03/2008+ "What perspectives are closest to the objective truth?/ex-corrections officer"
Steve Withers : Other - ? : Auckland
nz20,255 * 3,219,587 : c.45 + 21 + 6 + 3 = 75 (+29)
[100+,93,100+,90,84,71,59,65,100+,new] ! [46,58,56,60,62,97,109,98,37,new]

#74 (new) Christian News New Zealand :
0?/2008- "Mainline evangelical and conservative"
? : ? - Christian : NZ
nz10,543 * 2,467,310 : c.55 + 13 + 3 + 3 = 74 (new)
[new] [new]

#75 (+4) dad4justice :
02/2007+ "Kids need Dads too"
Peter Burns : ? - ? : Christchurch
nz29,182 * 3,439,663 : 55 (sitemeter) + 9 + 7 + 1 = 72 (+4)
[79,73,80,77,68,81,81,74,77,70,53,51,74] ! [68,69,73,74,80,74,71,82,75,88,120,113,53]

#76 (-1) Contra Celsum :
05/2007+ "Where Jerusalem and Athens are in irreconcilable conflict"
John Tertullian/Contra Celsum : Right - Christian : NZ
nz4,804 * 2,311,026 : c.50 + 11 + 7 + 4 = 72 (+2)
[75,91,95,100+,94,90,80,83,85,new] [70,59,61,37,54,62,72,69,70,new]

#77 (+3) Liberation :
01/2005+ "lecturer in Political Studies at the University of Otago"
Bryce Edwards : Other - ? : Dunedin
nz9,890 * 2,677,909 : c.50 (verified10/2008c.60) + 12 + 4 + 5 = 71 (+4)
[80,80,74,74,92,100+,91,81,73,70,67,71] [67,66,78,74,54,48,45,57,74,77,85,82,58]

#78 (-17) WebWeaver's World :
05/2006+ "environmental activism/green politics"
Webweaver : Left - Green : Wellington
nz? * 1,382,634 : 55 (sitemeter) + 12 + 1 + 2 = 70 (-16)
[61,63,39,46,38,72,67,61,60,32,36,31,40] [86,82,175,136,164,97,93,101,105,281,247,260,129]

#79 (-12) Say Hello to my Little Friend :
05/2006+ "Shooting from the lip/Philosophy, theology, politics"
Dr Glenn Peoples : Right - Christian : NZ
nz6,594 * 2,730,236 : c.40 + 17 + 2 + 10 = 69 (-10)
[67,94,97,100+,new] [79,58,59,35,34,new]

#80 (+3) Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand :
01/2003+ "NZ's Constitution from a republican perspective/Chair Republican Movement" (formerly 'Holden Republic')
Lewis Holden : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 2,275,683 : c.50 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 69 (+5)
[83,100+,87,68,60,46,42,49] [64,48,51,31,31,39,43,62,92,107,166,155,106]
#81 (19+) Alf Grumble :
12/2008+ "Long-serving and much-admired Member for Eketahuna North"
Alf Grumble : Right - ? : NZ
nz30,113 * 2,663,518 : c.50 + ? + 15 + 2 = 67 (+17)
[100+,new] ! [50,new]

#82 (+4) Media Law Journal :
11/2007+ : "about media law and ethics in New Zealand"
Steven Price : Other - ? : Wellington
nz15,187 * 4,047,030 : c.35 + 19 + 3 + 10 = 67 (+5)
[86,83,79,64,60,60,56,58,54,66,62,74,100+] [62,64,74,84,96,123,118,105,134,93,95,73,16]

#83 (-2) Eye of the Fish :
01/2008+ "urban life, design, architecture in Wellington"
Philip : Other - ? : Wellington
Maximus : Left - ? : Wellington
Aaron : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 5,302,227 : c.30 + 14 + 3 + 20 = 67 (-)
[81,65,70,84,71,68,71,69,51,new] [67,78,87,67,73,100,86,91,143,new]

#84 (-8) I See Red :
10/2005+ "a centre-left perspective on Christchurch and New Zealand politics"
Tony Milne : Left - Labour : NZ
nz? * 3,040,958 : c.45 (est.-no stats) + 19 + 1 + 1 = 66 (+4)
[76,77,85,70,64,40,27,19,27,16,25,24,38] [70,68,69,76,90,216,269,284,309,339,300,298,139]

#85 (-3) Blessed Economist :
03/2005+ "Blessed to be an economist and theologian"
RonMcK : ? - Christian : Christchurch
nz? * 3,842,508 : 40 (Sitemeter) + 9 + 13 + 4 = 66 (+1)
[82,100+,new] [65,30,new]

#86 (-12) The Evolving Newsroom :
12/2007+ "Newsrooms, journalists, audiences, stories, networks, communities"
Julie Starr : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 2,985,890 : c.45 + 6 + 6 + 8 = 65 (-7)
[74,67,75,new] [72,77,78,new]

#87 (+3) Pacific Empire :
07/2006+ "brothers, libertarians"
Phil : Right - Libertarian : Wellington
Luke : Right - Libertarian : Wellington
nz? * 3,055,801 : c.45 + 17 + 1 + 1 = 64 (+8)
[90,74,73,75,72,75,62,55,52,40,31,39,45] [56,69,81,74,72,90,105,116,143,219,278,185,119]

#88 (-) Samuel Dennis :
08/2008+ "Family Party candidate for Selwyn/Lincoln PhD student"
Samuel Dennis : Right - Christian/Family Party : Canterbury
* 1,036,032
: 40 (Sitemeter) + 14 + 2 + 6 = 62 (+4)
[88,100+,62,79,80,new] [58,34,101,72,65,new]

#89 (-17) Bowalley Road :
11/2008+ "Ruminations of an old New Zealander"
Chris Trotter : Left - Labour : Auckland
nz11,318 * 3,341,897 : c.40 + est.10 + 3 + 8 = 61 (-11)
[72,69,82,new] ! [72,72,72,new]

#90 (+3) Star Studded Super Step :
0?/200?+ "Everything's gonna be OK"
Andy Moore : Right - Act/Christian : Christchurch
nz9,154 * 2,784,868 : c.50 + 3 + 2 + 3 = 58 (+4)
[93,100+,new] [54,44,new]
#91 (9+) Blair's Brain - Canvassing for Opinion :
09/2004+ "mild greens/NORML"
Blair Anderson : ? - Libertarian : Christchurch
nz? * 3,983,188 : 45 (sitemeter)+ 9 + 2 + 2 = 58 (+9)
[100+,87,100,100+,84,88,97,91,71,54,61,55] [49,46,69,53,50,68,63,53,62,86,119,89,87]

#92 (-8) Against the current :
04/2007+ "News, views, reviews"
Steven Cowan : Left - ? : Christchurch
nz? * 4,830,995 : c.30 + 18 + 5 + 3 = 56 (-7)
[84,86,100+] ! [63,62,54,25,25,44,21,21,24,25,17,19,13]

#93 (+1) LAWS 179: Elephants and the law :
03/2005+ "New Zealand Centre for Public Law. Victoria University"
Dean Knight : Other - ? : Wellington
nz22,042 * 3,973,436 : c.35 (est.-no stats) + 17 + 1 + 3 = 56 (+2)
[94,82,76,76,78,100,100+,98,100+,92,89,99,65] [54,64,77,74,67,54,50,53,49,56,59,43.5,61]

#94 (+5) Stargazer :
02/2008+ "mother, accountant, political activist, feminist, Indian Muslim"
Anjum Rahman : Left - ? : NZ
nz25,784 * 5,435,526 : c.30 + 17 + 4 + 4 = 55 (+3)
[99,100+,new] [52,30,40,27,33,38,40,40,43,new]

#95 (+3) Ideologically Impure :
04/2008+ "that’s all you’re getting"
Queen of Thorns : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 5,107,538 : c.25 + 24 + 1 + 5 = 55 (+3)
[98,78,93,100+,99,98,100+,new] [52,68,62,48,52,55,36,new]

#96 (4+) The Tailor of Panama Street :
12/2008+ "A New Zealand blog about international affairs"
Barney McGrew : Other - ? : Wellington
nz8,982 * 3,843,352 : c.40 + ? + 13 + 1 = 54 (+13)
[100+,new] [41,new]

#97 (3+) Café Pacific :
07/2007+ "Pacific media uncensored/Assoc. Professor Communication Studies AUT"
David Robie : Other - ? : Auckland
nz? * 4,067,805 : c.35 + 13 + 3 + 3 = 54 (+6)
[100+,new] [48,32,29,20,23,20,21,21,29,new]

#98 (-9) Unity blog :
02/2007+ "Official blog of Socialist Worker/Marxist"
Grant B. : Left - Socialist : NZ
Grant Morgan : Left - Socialist : NZ
Vaughan : Left - Socialist : Northland
Joseph : Left - Socialist : NZ
UNITY : Left - Socialist : NZ
nz? * 8,271,248 : 35 (statcounter) + 11 + 7 + 1 = 54 (-4)
[89,92,81,83,73,79,84,59,59,52,55,53,34] [58,59,73,68,72,80,66,103,114,124,116,109,147]

#99 (-4)Spleen :
07/2003+ "I program computers for a living, and make music"
Stephen Judd : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 5,212,752 : c.30 + 14 + 2 + 6 = 52 (-1)
[95,100+,89,100+,94,99,75,63,84,82,78] [53,39,46,51,56,53,56,53,82,101,68,58,50]

#100 (-4) Political Animal :
08/2007+ "NZ politics is dirty"
Darren Rickard : Right - ? : Auckland
nz35,890 * 4,513,945 : c.35 + 10 + 4 + 2 = 51 (-1)
[96,85,69,60,58,65,76,80,100+,new] ! [52,62,89,103,104,109,77,74,37,new]
Put up thy Sword! :
07/2006+ "Matthew 5:9"
A J Chesswas : Right - Christian : Taranaki
nz5,218 * 1,764,797 : 35 (sitemeter) + 11 + 3 + 2 = 51 (+8)
[100+,98,100+,87,92,100+,82,88,87,92] [43,43,58,42,42,52,63,57,52,65,63,53,35]

Skinny :
09/2001+ "Get the skinny from Skinny/web designer"
Skinny La Veal/Alan Doak : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 4,080,444 : c.35 + 9 + 1 + 5 = 50 (-2)
[100+,97,100+,73,74,70,100+,new] [52,41,42,42,43,94,82,91,55,new]

Karl du Fresne :
05/2008+ "Journalist"
Karl du Fresne : Right - ? : NZ
nz13,094 * 4,373,744 : c.35 + est.10 + 2 + 2 = 49 (+7)
[100+,85,74,63,75,100+,new] [42,26,27,51,60,90,100,80,19,new]

Joe Hendren :
05/2004+ "Peace Researcher"
Joe Hendren : Left - Alliance : Auckland
nz? * 8,583,948 : 30 (sitemeter) + 16 + 1 + 1 = 48 (-3)
[100+,92,89,75] ! [51,51,51,45,43,32,42,42,40,40,54.5,49,52.5]

lefthandpalm :
02/2007+ "vague half ideas of a leftie-lib"
lurgee : Left - ? : Palmerston North
nz? * 4,743,584 : c.30 + 9 + 7 + 1 = 47 (-)
[100+,86,83,100+,100,100+] ! [47,28,28,48,60,72,35,35,26,28,40,31,26]

Newzblog :
12/2007+ "a fine blend of politics with a left twist"
Redbus : Left - Labour : NZ
illuminatedtiger : Left - ? : Christchurch
hcjs : Left - Labour : Masterton
Policy Parrot : Left - Labour : Christchurch
Robinsod : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 5,320,293 : c.25 (est.-no stats) + 20 + 1 + 1 = 47 (-27)
[100+,70,64,60,57,54,36,29,37,23,20,19,19,new] ! [74,78,103,113,114,239,261,220,317,323,333,329,new]

Micky's Muses :
09/2008+ "scientific uncertainty still surrounding the global warming issue"
Ayrdale : Right - ? : NZ
nz19,353 * 4,668,522 : c.35 + nil + 8 + 4 = 47 (+2)
[100+,new] [45,41,39,26,new]

Anarchia :
10/2004+ "An excess of the passion for liberty"
Asher Goldman : Left - Anarchist : Christchurch
nz? * 8,333,405 : c.15 + 29 + 1 + 2 = 47 (-5)
[100+,100,100+,85,79,76,86,96,72,57,79,72,44] [52,46,49,67,67,84,64,53,84,113,72,74,121]

Luddite Journo :
07/2008+ "Student journo ramblings in Aotearoa/New Zealand"
Sandra Dickson : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * 8,568,841 : c.15 + 22 + 3 + 5 = 45 (-5)
[100+,76,90,91,new] [50,68,66,58,44,new]

Daktari's World :
10/2004+ : "A place for me to talk rubbish/music"
Bob Daktari : Left - ? : Auckland
nz30,094 * 4,207,008 : c.35 + nil + 8 + 1 = 44 (-2)
[100+,97,90,80,85,95,98,100,100+] [46,40,51,54,55,75,65,55,57,46,20,20,15]
Gavin :
01/2007+ "christianity/family/politics/technology"
Gavin Knight : Right - Christian/Salvation Army : Wellington
nz? * 3,755,420 : 30 (verified) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 44 (+4)
[100+,95,91,87,79,76,65,68,76,73,new] [40,33,53,56,55,66,72,77,99,92,75,73,new]

Dread Times :
01/2009+ "Ras Nandor Tanczos reports from Aotearoa / New Zealand/ex-Green MP"
Nandor Tanczos : Left - Green : Waikato
nz6,847 * 3,849,383 : c.35 + ? + 3 + 5 = 43 (+2)
[100+,new] ! [41,new]

06/2005+ "To inform and entertain New Zealand with unique, quality programming"
Stephen Stratford : ? - ? : NZ
Rob O'Neill : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 5,610,171 : c.25 + 17 + 1 + nil = 43 (-11)
[100+,92,68,67,new] ! [54,73,94,new]

Grim Planet :
02/2007+ "Discourse, it’s all about the discourse/Australian expat freelance journalist"
Greg McNevin : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 3,129,297 : c.40 + 2 + 1 + nil = 43 (-4)
[100+,99,100+,new] [47,54,55,37,15,15,34,34,23,new]

Whenua Fenua Enua Vanua :
03/2007+ "Revolutionary anti-colonialism & anti-capitalism in the Pacific"
Ana : Left - ? : Australia
nz? * 3,937,994 : c.35 + nil + 5 + 2 = 42 (+3)
[100+,new] [39,new]

Muzzerino :
08/2008+ "A Scottish Expatriate Blog on Politics, Military, Current Affairs"
Muzzerino : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 4,735,621 : c.30 + 9 + 2 + 1 = 42 (-1)
[100+,94,78,76,new] [43,51,62,74,70,new]

Robyn's Secret Passage :
06/1996+ "The coolness that is Robyn"
Robyn Gallagher : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 6,960,047 : c.20 + 12 + 2 + 8 = 42 (+9)
[100+,72,67,61,91,100+,94,new] [33,27,28,39,27,54,86,93,103,56,33,45,new]

NZ Media and Other Stuff :
05/2007+ "There's stuff, and then there's stuff, and then there's this"
Paul McBeth : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 4,710,409 : c.35 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 41 (+1)
[100+,new] ! [40,22,new]

Blogs | Act NZ :
04/2004+ "Act party blogs"
Rodney Hide : Right - Act : Wellington/Auckland
Heather Roy : Right - Act : Wellington/NZ
Roger Douglas : Right - Act : Wellington/Auckland
John Thompson : Right - Act : NZ
nz5,510 * 1,467,081 : c.40 (est.-no stats) (70% of + ? + 1 + nil = 41 (-9)
[100+,40,35,27,31,35,32,35,32,27,24,23,14] [50,143,188,234,240,252,222,282,296,300,304.5,317]

Save the humans :
03/2008+ "The effort to save humans from themselves"
Save the humans : Right - ? : Christchurch
nz14,497 * 6,218,424 : c.25 + 11 + 4 + 1 = 41 (-13)
[100+,93,100+,new] [28,47,55,57,42,43,42,new]
Global Peace and Justice Auckland :
08/2007+ "Global Peace and Justice Auckland"
gpja : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 3,400,811 : c.40 + ? + 1 + nil = 41 (-2)
[100+,new] [43,17,11,13,11,12,12,new]

Consumist :
04/2008+ "politics, consumerism & the class struggle for a wider screen TV"
Consumist : Right - Libertarian? : NZ
nz? * 5,378,053 : c.25 + 5 + 7 + 3 = 40 (+6)
[100+,89,69,66,68,new] ! [34,44,56,62,77,108,88,new]

The Clunking Fist :
01/2008+ "subscribe to my vision... as soon as I see it"
Clunking Fist : Right - Conservative? : London, UK
nz21,024 * 3,909,292 : c.35 + nil + 2 + 3 = 40 (+3)
[100+,82,78,82,100+,new] [37,27,28,42,47,73,72,70,52,new]

Kaiwai :
04/2004+ "I'm here, I'm queer; mate/Tech-web"
Kaiwai Gardiner : Right - Libertarian : Christchurch
nz? * 3,119,407 : c.35 + 4 + 1 + nil = 40 (-23)
[100+,99,84,100+,87] [17,23,23,45,45,47,27,27,57,63,29,32,42]

the gossip :
06/2006+ "Finsec union's unofficial weblog"
Finsec/Stephen : Left - Union : NZ
nz? * 4,303,551 : c.30 + 5 + 4 + nil = 39 (-)
[100+,91,100+93,89,87,86,62] [39,28,30,49,48,61,37,37,60,57,64,53.5,63]

Back in 15 :
04/2006+ "ex-Kiwiblogblog"
Paul Williams : Left - ? : Sydney, Australia
nz? * 7,368,150 : 15 (Sitemeter-unresponsive 02/2009) + 12 + 4 + 8 = 39 (+13)
[100+,new] [26,23,40,45,32,new]

Ellis in Wellyland :
01/2005+ "He OD's on Parliament"
Michael Ellis : Right - National : Wellington
nz? * 5,141,118 : c.25 + 6 + 5 + 2 = 38 (+8)
[100+,85,86,100+,48] [30,35,33,29,32,37,48,48,48,63,67,24,111]

NZ Conservative :
03/2006+ "Old right rants from a small fish"
Michael Courtman : Right - Conservative : NZ
nz? * 6,589,292 : c.20 + 12 + 2 + 2 = 36 (-2)
[100+,94,100,81] ! [38,26,23,24,23,28,30,30,44,39,50,43,46]

Grant Robertson | Wellington Central :
07/2007+ "Labour party MP for Wellington Central"
Grant Robertson : Left - Labour : Wellington
nz? * 6,432,604 : c.20 + 15 + 1 + nil = 36 (+6)
[100+,96,99,72,70,67,73,63,74,67,100+,90] [30,56,58,75,74,106,84,99,82,92,39,36,36]

Courage to Tremble :
04/2007+ "Lord grant me courage to tremble at Your word"
Nahomi : ? - Christian : Auckland
nz? * 5,174,201 : c.25 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 34 (new)
[new] [new]
Act on Campus :
12/2007+ "Youth branch of the Act party"
Rick Giles : Right - Act : Christchurch
Andrew Falloon : Right - Act : Wellington
Peter McCaffrey : Right - Act : Wellington
Michael Earley : Right - Act : NZ
Sam Bonner : Right - Act : NZ
nz? * 7,017,838 : c.20 + 9 + 2 + 1 = 32 (+2)
[100+,94,87,97,99,66,55,new] [30,31,26,57,60,55,53,93,127,new]

Bill English :
12/2006+ "National Party Deputy Leader, MP Clutha/Southland"
Bill English : Right - National : Wellington/Southland
nz? * 7,263,623 : c.20 + 10 + 1 + 1 = 32 (-5)
[100+,93,84,57,59,65,68,99] [37,43,47,45,39,53,57,67,124,108,92,79,32]

Oliver Woods | Auckland Central candidate :
05/2008+ "Auckland Central candidate for Residents Action Movement (RAM)"
Oliver Woods : Left - RAM : Auckland
nz? * 9,932,949 : c.15 + 13 + 1 + 2 = 31 (-3)
[100+,new] ! [34,45,45,49,41,52,41,41,11,new]

BioBlog :
08/2007+ "Encouraging critical thinking, looking at science"
Alison Campbell : Other - ? : Waikato
nz176 * 53,045 : c.20 (<1% of main site) + 2 + 6 + 5 = 31 (new)
[new] [new]

Neil Stockley :
01/2008+ "public affairs consultant, ex-NZ Labour Party, ex-Lib Dem policy director"
Neil Stockley : Other - Lib-Dem : London, UK
nz? * 6,389,065 : 12 (extremetracking) + 17 + 1 + 1 = 31 (-11)
[100+,88,88,74,100+,new] [42,53,69,63,71,52,42,42,47,new]

Jimmy Jangles :
11/2004+ "The Optimus Prime Experiment"
Jimmy Jangles : Right - ? : Wellington
nz? * 7,511,411 : c.20 + 7 + 3 + 1 = 31 (-7)
[100+,95,100+,73,65,70,69,68,88,65,67,59,new] [38,56,55,75,87,97,87,92,65,99,88,94,new]

02/2008+ "Politics, Technology, TechTidBits"
Chris : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 6,776,756 : c.20 + 8 + 1 + 1 = 30 (-2)
[100+] ! [32,41,39,33,38,36,48,48,27,34,29,new]

Maori Party :
0?/2007+ "Maori party MPs"
Tariana Turia : Left - Maori : Wellington/Whanganui
Pita Sharples : Other - Maori : Wellington/Tamaki Makaurau
Hone Harawira : Left - Maori : Wellington/Tai Tokerau
Te Ururoa Flavell : Other - Maori : Wellington/Waiariki
Rahui Reid Katene : Other - Maori : Wellington/Tai Tonga
nz? * 6,036,336 : c.20 + ? + 10 + nil = 30 (+5)
[100+,88,84,81,75,78,95,94,84,78,74,50,24] [25,60,70,70,70,80,55,55,70,70,77,114,226]

Kiwi back in Sydney!:
04/2005+ "Science, engineering, art, cultural politics"
barvasfiend : Left - ? : NZ/Australia
nz? * 7,465,850 : c.20 (verified10/2008c.25) + 5 + 3 + 1 = 29 (-2)
[100+] ! [31,33,40,40,44,35,35,35,32,20,new]

01/2008+ "Magpie Culture from the Deeper South"
Chris Bourke : Other - ? : NZ
nz? * 9,673,904 : c.15 + 12 + 1 + 1 = 29 (-3)
[100+,99,100+,new] [32,20,24,26,28,35,35,54,48,14,new]
United Future | blog :,20,
07/2007+ : "When Peter Dunne talks, people listen/United Future party"
Peter's Position : Peter Dunne : Other - United Future : Wellington
Hey Jude : Judy Turner : Other - United Future : Wellington
Standpoint : Denise Krum : Other - United Future : Auckland
nz22,787 * 5,183,405 : c.25 (80% of main page) + ? + 1 + 2 = 28 (+6)
[100+,96,95,96,100+,60,56,100+] [22,52,52,54,53,55,42,42,49,43,102,102,12]

Opposable thumb :
03/2008+ "Wellington journalist"
Denis Welch : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * 7,438,281 : c.20 + est.2 + 3 + 3 = 28 (-2)
[100+,new] [30,29,21,19,17,46,44,44,20,new]

All Embracing But Underwhelming :
04/2003+ "Philosophy On, About and Around Conspiracy Theories"
Matthew Dentith : Other - ? : Auckland
nz? * 11,605,491 : c.10 + 13 + 2 + 3 = 28 (+3)
[100+,new] [25,45,new]

100 Word Blog :
09/2007+ : "posts of no more than 100 words"
100word : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 8,047,997 : c.15 + 12 + nil + nil = 27 (-7)
[100+,100,98,93,86,100+,96,79,91,90,100+] [34,53,56,53,54,67,34,34,59,66,56,47,24] Last post: 15/12/2008

Contradiction :
0?/200?+ "MPhil student at ANU: contradictions in capitalism"
Contradiction : Left - Socialist/Anarchist : Canberra, Australia
nz? * 16,590,196 : c.10 + 15 + 1 + 1 = 27 (-8)
[100+,88,100+,96,90,100+,83,83,73] [35,44,54,50,59,51,55,58,42,44,69,56,55]

Craig Foss MP :
06/2007+ "National party MP for Tukituki"
Craig Foss : Right - National : Napier
nz? * 9,411,665 : c.15 + 9 + 1 + nil = 25 (-2)
[100+,98,57,45,40,33,31,81,64,60] [27,32,40,42,53,130,177,202,276,281,70,83,72]

Socialist Democracy :
04/2007+ "NZ left - union solidarity - Marxism - Venezuelan revolution"
Tim B : Left - Socialist : Christchurch
nz? * 14,834,902 : 8 (Sitemeter) + 16 + nil + nil = 24 (-9)
[100+] ! [33,26,32,40,37,36,28,28,29,28,30,32,new] Last post: 14/01/2009

Gman inc :
03/2005+ "Consult the Uber-Guru"
Greg "Gman" Edwards : Right - ? : Melbourne, Australia
Rick Giles : Right - Libertarian : Christchurch
political_valley/Liz Shaw : Right - Libertarian : Auckland/Sydney
nz? * 11,558,312 : c.10 + 13 + 1 + nil = 24 (-4)
[100+,91,85,89,100+,53] [28,40,52,35,48,54,59,66,64,30,31,31,94]

Definitive :
04/2004+ "a way of moving beyond the infinite"
Stu McGregor : ? - Christian : Auckland
nz? * 22,661,526 : c.10 + 9 + 2 + 2 = 23 (+6)
[100+] ! [17,21,20,12,12,11,9,9,15,new]

Blogging it real :
02/2004+ "Meet the Warriors"
Bennyasena : ? - ? : NZ
DC_Red : ? - ? : NZ
Yamisa : ? - ? : NZ
Bobert : ? - ? : ?
nz? * 10,821,967 : c.10 + 4 + 3 + 5 = 23 (-4)
[100+,93,100+,88] [27,19,21,18,18,16,27,27,54,55,32,34,37]
Fighting Talk :
03/2004+ "You were sick, but now you're well again"
Lyndon Hood : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 18,620,880 : c.10 + 10 + 1 + 2 = 23 (-2)
[100+,98,99,100+,93] [25,21,21,22,19,20,22,22,42,50,41,35,35]

John Minto :
01/2006+ "Columns I’ve written for the Christchurch Press"
John Minto : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 9,577,780 : c.15 + 6 + 1 + nil = 22 (-)
[100+,new] [22,13,new]

Prog Blog:
05/2008+ "An unofficial blog by Jim Anderton's Progressives"
Prog Blog : Left - Progressive : NZ
nz? * 22,493,995 : c.10 + 9 + 2 + 1 = 22 (-8)
[100+,new] [30,35,42,39,43,32,27,27,17,new]

01/2007+ "(to sparkle and spark) Anarchy sister"
Jo : Left - Anarchist : Christchurch
nz? * 18,817,970 : c.10 + 11 + nil + nil = 21 (-)
[100+] ! [21,25,23,21,24,25,21,21,31,36,23,22,new]

Douglas to Dancing :
10/2007+ "Independent analysis and commentary on the ACT party"
Geoffrey Miller : Other - ? : NZ
nz18,450 * 9,187,418 : c.15 + 5 + 1 + nil = 21 (+11)
[100+,96,85,77,100+] [10,21,27,30,37,22,23,23,31,51,67,69,31]

Ozymandias Warning :
01/2008+ "Reflections, humour, observations"
Shem Banbury : Other - ? : Bay of Plenty
nz? * 4,593,885 : 13 (stats) + 4 + 3 + 1 = 21 (-3)
[100+,new] [24,34,new]

Si Quando Dubium, Illic Est Scilicet :
08/2006+ "When there is doubt, there is no doubt"
Stuart Parker : Right - ? : Auckland
nz? * 6,966,145 : c.20 + 1 + nil + nil = 21 (-5)
[100+,98,new] [26,22,23,27,32,46,31,31,18,22,19,44,new] Last post: 12/01/2009

Tuckr :
06/2008+ "Media views from Down-Under/Head of Journalism, Whitireia Journalism School, Wellington"
Jim Tucker : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 9,121,757 : c.15 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 21 (+7)
[100+,new] [14,20,45,new]

Lolly Scramble :
12/2004+ "Objectivism"
Eric Olthwaite : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
nz20,726 * 4,788,158 : 10 (Statcounter) + 7 + 3 + nil = 20 (-9)
[100+,new] ! [29,16,new]

Dr Michael Bassett :
12/2001+ "Political historian/former Labour Minister 1984-90"
Michael Bassett : Right - ? : NZ
nz? * 7,550,476 : c.20 + ? + nil + nil = 20 (+10)
[100+,99,97,77,100+,64,64,100+,77] [10,31,31,53,53,83,17,17,100,101,10.5,50.5]
The Libertarian Front :
12/2006+ "New Zealand's Youngest Libertarian"
Callum McPetrie : Right - Libertarian : Wellington
nz? * 9,569,097 : c.15 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 20 (-7)
[100+,94,97,100+] [27,32,32,32,21,22,20,20,59,50,26,32,17]

Still Truckin' :
03/2008+ "Left Libertarian/A dude talking about guys and the feminisms"
Ari : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * 23,996,682 : c.10 + 9 + 1 + nil = 20 (-)
[100+,new] [20,22,22,new]

Genius :
12/2004+ "Common sense and a touch of genius"
Genius : Other - ? : Auckland
nz? * 4,600,457 : c.10 + 9 + nil + nil = 19 (-)
[100+] [19,21,24,27,26,28,24,24,34,28,27,19,18] Last post: 10/12/2008

Three Point Turn :
01/2005+ "More relevance than Gordon Copeland"
Nick Eynon?/Manu?/Maxine?/Michael Knight? : Other - ? : NZ
nz? * 13,794,080 : c.10 + 5 + 2 + 1 = 18 (-)
[100+,df,100+,73,79,100+] ! [18,17,df,12,22,37,78,66,19]

redrave :
03/2006+ "Communist Workers' Group: Leninist/Trotskyist Fraction"
communist worker : Left - Communist : NZ
nz? * 14,447,353 : c.10 + 6 + 1 + nil = 17 (-1)
[100+] [18,19,13,14,14,14,13,13,18,19,14,12.5,12.5]

The Opinionated Diner :
09/2004+ "Music, Politics, Food and anything else"
Simon : Other - ? : NZ?
nz? * ? : c.5 + 4 + 6 + 1 = 16 (-5)
[100+,97,100+,94,90,62,86,87,new] ! [21,54,53,42,42,60,63,67,new]

Sus's Sound-Bites :
0?/200?+ "Libertarianz Party/The wit and wisdom of Susan the Libertarian"
Susan : Right - Libertarian : NZ
nz15,761 * 2,119,340 : c.15 (20% of main site) + ? + 1 + nil = 16 (-)
[100+] [16,21,23,8,8,8,8,8,13,13,12,10.5,14]

Concerned of Linwood :
03/2007+ "the world of social and political commentary"
Paul Le Comte : Left - ? : Christchurch
nz? * ? : c.5 + 8 + 1 + 2 = 16 (-2)
[100+,79,76,100+] [18,26,26,26,26,30,52,74,81,40,25,31,25]

John Ansell :
09/2008+ "Life, loony verse, and everything"
John Ansell : Right - Act : NZ
nz? * 8,156,432 : c.15 + ? + nil + nil = 15 (-9)
[100+,71,new] [24,50,84,new] Last post: 07/01/2009

The Tomohawk Kid :
04/2006+ "Graphic Designer/Musician"
Graham Clark : Right - Libertarian : Tauranga
nz? * 23,316,399 : c.10 + 4 + 1 + nil = 15 (-)
[100+] [15,13,13,13,14,14,15,15,25,29,28,42,21]
Farmgirl :
02/2009+ "A forum on all things agricultural and political"
Nadine Porter : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 23,676,662 : c.5 + ? + 7 + 3 = 15 (new)
[new] [new]

Rob Good in LA :
02/2005+ "Puntiki"
Rob Good : Right - Act : Los Angeles, USA
nz? * ? : c.5 + 7 + 1 + 2 = 15 (-4)
[100+] [19,25,21,31,22,19,18,18,22,23,21,19,19]

Rob's Blockhead Blog :
08/2005+ "Freelance journalist, specialising in economics"
Rob Hosking : Right - ? : Wellington
nz? * 10,229,015 : c.10 + nil + 3 + 1 = 14 (+1)
[100+,88,100,100,66,100+] [13,24,24,35,35,64,53,49,95,43,13,13,11]

Wine enhanced metacognitions :
06/2007+ "student"
mojo : Right - ? : NZ
nz? * 10,825,806 : c.10 + 2 + 2 + nil = 14 (-)
[100+] [14,13,13,19,22,12,13,13,12,14,15,16,21]

Adding noughts :
06/2008+ "Theoretical physicist with an unhealthy procrastination habit."
Andrew D : ? - ? : Brisbane, Australia
nz? * 11,629,520 : c.10 + ? + 2 + 1 = 13 (+1)
[100+,62,70,new] ! [12,14,14,34,48,116,86,new]

Writeups :
02/2006+ "economics, politics and current affairs"
Writeups : Right - Libertarian : NZ
nz? * 9,032,943 : c.10 + 2 + 1 + nil = 13 (-5)
[100+] [18,16,23,33,33,31,16,16,24,21,19,17,15]

Confessions of an ex Labour Voter :
08/2008+ "NZ politics, European news and World finance"
Martin : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 11,048,408 : c.10 + ? + 2 + 1 = 13 (-6)
[100+,new] [19,12,15,27,new]

Watching Brief :
09/2008+ "politics"
Watching brief : Right - ? : NZ
nz? * 11,624,908 : c.10 + nil + 2 + 1 = 13 (+1)
[100+,new] [12,12,13,14,new]

Dig 'n' Stir :
05/2007+ : "Rural Network: connecting the rural community"
Bob Edlin : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 11,945,233 : c.10 + 3 + nil + nil = 13 (-5)
[100+,82,88,90,100+,83] [18,30,32,23,40,49,70,60,62,28,28,26,45] Last post 24/12/2008

Righto Chaps :
06/2008+ "Organically wholesome rightwingsenses"
Rightochaps : Right - ? : Auckland
nz? * 19,599,372 : c.10 (Sitemeter -defunct 10/2008) + ? + 3 + nil = 13 (-6)
[100+,new] [19,22,13,16,29,27,new]
NZ Right Wing Leftie :
12/2007+ "Socially liberal, economically conservative, freedom loving"
Richard Hurst : Right - ? : Christchurch
nz? * ? : c.5 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 12 (-9)
[100+] ! [21,26,21,17,19,16,16,16,16,24,new]

National Blog of New Zealand :
11/2008+ "Chronicalling the state of the nation" (Not official)
? : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 13,262,626 : c.10 + 1 + 1 + nil = 12 (-1)
[100+,new] [13,13,6,6,new]

Chris Hipkins | Candidate's Blog :
01/2008+ "Labour party MP for Rimutaka"
Chris Hipkins : Left - Labour : Wellington
nz? * 23,603,337 : c.10 + 1 + 1 + nil = 12 (-)
[100+,new] [12,12,16,27,27,31,23,23,23,new]

theSection59blog :
09/2006+ "Anti-smacking law"
Andy Moore : Right - Christian : Christchurch
Simeon : Right - ? : Auckland
Jono McGarvey : Right - Christian : NZ
Dad4Justice/Peter Burns : Right - ? : Christchurch
Jonathan Willis : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 23,811,858 : 6 (sitemeter) + 6 + nil + nil = 12 (-5)
[100+,93,85,96] [17,17,20,23,24,26,30,30,36,31,52,54,34]

Born on State Highway One :
10/2006+ : 01/2009+(@wordpress) "Ramblings of a champagne anarchist"
Ryan Sproull : ? - ? : Auckland
nz? * 23,812,218 : c.10 + ? + 1 + 1 = 12 (-4)
[100+,89,80,83,99,89,89,95,80,80,84,100+] [16,52,68,71,62,55,62,58,59,66,71,56,31]

Backchat Cafe :
05/2008+ "A one woman blog - New Rightie, having given up on the wavering Left"
Maizina : Right - Christian Conservative : Auckland
nz? * 24,077,099 : c.10 + ? + 2 + nil = 12 (+1)
[100+new] [11,11,11,13,new]

Brendon Burns :
02/2008+ "Labour party MP for Christchurch Central"
Brendon Burns : Left - Labour : Christchurch
nz? * ? : c.5 + 5 + 2 + nil = 12 (+3)
[100+,new] [9,16,15,15,15,14,12,12,21,new]

Zackarate Island :
03/2008+ "Green parliamentary list candidate/18 years old"
Zachary Dorner : Left - Green : Wellington
nz? * 20,279,771 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (+4)
[100+,new] ! [7,11,12,13,7,8,9,new]

The Irascible Curmudgeon :
04/2008+ "News at a deeper level"
Curmudgeon : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 12,561,114 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (+1)
[100+,new] [10,11,13,new]

Over the Fence :
01/2009+ "Minister for Agriculture/Biosecurity/Forestry, National Party list MP"
David Carter : Right - National : North Canterbury/Wellington
nz? * 15,551,799 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (new)
[new] [new]
New Masses :
12/2008+ "Dedicated to discussing left wing (democratic socialist) politics in New Zealand and internationally"
Quentin : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 17,361,217 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-1)
[100+,new] [12,15,new]

The Bull Pen :
09/2007+ "Kicking up dust in rural New Zealand/Country Channel (SKY 99)"
Philippa Stevenson : ? - ? : NZ
Clive Dalton : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 22,624,607 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-1)
[100+,new] [12,13,9,new]

Sagenz :
09/2004+ "helengrad has lost its way"
Phil Sage : Right - ? : NZ
nz? * 23,195,152 : 8 (sitemeter) + 1 + 1 + nil = 10 (+2)
[100+] ! [8,19,19,13,14,15,16,16,15,15,20.5,23.5,22.5]

Think Big :
09/2008+ "In Rob we trust"
? : Right - ? : NZ
? : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 19,001,412 : c.10 + ? + nil + nil = 10 (-)
[100+,new] [10,16,17,11,new] Last post 31/12/2008

Too Right :
06/2005+ "Moving at the speed of life"
Too Right : Right - ? : Auckland
nz? * ? : c.5 + 4 + 1 + nil = 10 (-)
[100+,91,66] [10,15,17,33,39,27,14,14,20,19,15,45,59.5]

Scalia :
03/2008+ "The simple things"
Scalia : Right - ? : Auckland
nz? * 23,713,177 : c.5 + 2 + 1 + nil = 8 (new)
[new] [new]

Maidennz :
10/2007+ "news, views and muse"
maidennz :Right - ? : Hawkes Bay
nz? * ? : c.5 + 2 + 1 + nil = 8 (-)
[100+,72,47,56] [8,14,13,14,13,15,18,18,15,17,80,135,85]

NX-Files :
09/2008+ "Politics, current events"
NX : Other - ? : Bay of Plenty
nz? * ? : c.5 + 2 + 1 + nil = 8 (-)
[100+,new] [8,14,14,14,new]

Proletblog :
03/2006+ " 'I am nothing and I should be everything' - Karl Marx"
Byron Clark : Left - Workers Party : Christchurch
nz? * ? : c.5 + nil + 3 + nil = 8 (+1)
[100+,new] [7,6,7,new]

The Voice Of Reason New Zealand :
08/2006+ "Setting the Record Straight"
James : ? - Christian : Wellington
nz? * ? : c.5 + nil + 1 + 1 = 7 (-1)
[100+] [8,8,9,11,7,10,9,9,9,13,16,14.5,17,16]
Owld Grumbleton :
03/2008+ "The secret diary of a grumpy old bastard"
Owld Grumbleton : Right - ? : UK
nz? * ? : c.5 + 1 + 1 + nil = 7 (+1)
[100+,new] [6,6,7,7,13,13,13,13,26,new]

Comme il Faut :
07/2008+ "In the era of spin, it's important to have your own ball"
Peter Tashkoff : Right - Act : Auckland
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + 2 + nil = 7 (+2)
[100+,new] [5,5,10,12,22,23,new]

The re[mixed]baptist :
11/2006+ "Baptist, Wesleyan, Social democrat"
Subversnz : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 20,412,710 : 2 (sitemeter) + 3 + 1 + nil = 6 (-2)
[100+] [8,6,8,8,14,12,17,17,18,24.5,25,31]

15 Lambton Quay :
11/2008+ "Notes on law, policy and government"
? : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + 1 + nil = 6 (new)
[new] [new]

Pete's kiwi forum :
01/2007+ : "Reside in Lower Hutt, Wellington"
Kiwi Riverman : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * ? : c.5 + nil + 1 + nil = 6 (-)
[100+] [6,6,7,11,12,12,11,11,11,12,10.5,11,11]

Watchblog :
04/2008+ "The online tool for the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa"
CAFCA : Left - CAFCA : Christchurch
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + nil + nil = 5 (-2)
[100+,new] [7,10,16,new] Last post: 28/01/2009

Wallisra's Weblog :
07/2008+ "Alliance Party Wellington Central candidate"
Richard Wallis : Left - Alliance : Masterton
nz? * ? : c.5 + nil + nil + nil = 5 (-)
[100+,new] [5,5,6,new]

TOTAL BLOGS n=207 (-5)

  • Start date of blog is the current blog and not any previous incarnation of that blog or bloggers connected with it (unless the blog has been removed in a complete form to a new format).

  • Blogs without any posts for 3 months are removed to the Defunct? list, denoted: "df".

  • Posts and comments of all blogs are manually monitored. Blog posts are then cross-checked against a list of total monthly posts per rss feeds (kindly provided by Scrubone @Halfdone). All comments and posts have been rounded to nearest 5 or 0 of last digit (above 15).

  • Alexa (international not nz) ranking approximate average daily traffic equivalent (see how we calculate blog traffic). Site counter if available will be used instead of Alexa if credible. If Alexa data includes break-down of blogs on a platform then that percentage is used, otherwise all blogs within a website are taken as half (x0.5) of main page traffic if appropriate. An nz Alexa ranking will round up, and no nz ranking will round down.

    "!" between the squared brackets of the past ranking numbers denotes a blogroll link to Tumeke! and will be used to break a tied score; failing that the Alexa nz score will be used.

  • Authors blogging under pseudonyms will not have their real names divulged unless they have themselves disclosed it publicly.
  • Bloggers who forward their traffic stats to the compiler (editor at will only have the relevant data (ie. average daily unique visitors) used on this site - other information that may be contained in the data will not be used and will be kept strictly confidential.


    # (df) Jafapete’s Weblog :
    04/2008+ "formerly: policy analyst, ministerial private secretary, trade unionist, academic"
    Jafa Pete : Left - ? : Auckland
    nz? * 3,164,395 : c.40 (est.-no stats) + 39 + nil + nil = (-16)
    [df,68,58,56,38,26,20,30,27,100+,new] [df,79,95,117,174,218,397,259,253,36,new]
    REASON: Last post: 10/12/2008

    (df) Quest for security :
    06/2007+ "politics, economics, culture/Residents Action Movement (RAM) party"
    Oliver Woods : Left - RAM : NZ
    Rafe Copeland : Left - RAM : NZ
    STC : Left - RAM : NZ
    nz? * 22,228,147 : 4 (sitemeter) + 13 + nil + nil = (-)
    [df,100+,83,57,63,84] ! [df,17,17,24,23,23,44,49,49,53,63,107,86,45]
    REASON: Last post: 05/11/2008

    (df) High Windows :
    05/2007+ "life is far too important to be taken too seriously"
    Craig Ranapia : Right - National? : Auckland
    nz? * 16,150,017 : c.10 + 7 + nil + nil = (-5)
    [df,100+,80,74,61,93,new] [df,17,22,25,24,27,25,26,26,74,74,98,45,new]
    REASON: Last post: 19/11/2008

    (df) Cicero on Politics :
    09/2008+ "New Zealand politics as seen from the right"
    lindsay.addie : Right - ? : NZ
    nz? * 23,669,058 : c.10 + 7 + nil + nil = (-35)
    [df,100+,92,65,new] [df,17,52,64,83,new]
    REASON: Last post 27/11/2009

    (df) NZ Debate :
    11/2007+ "We're right, they're wrong"
    Andy Moore : Right - Christian : Christchurch
    Simeon : Right - National : Auckland
    Zach Castles : Right - ? : Auckland
    Lydia : Right - Christian : NZ
    lxross/Ross Calverley : Right - ? : Otago
    nz? * 13,350,640 : 4 (extremetracking) + 6 + nil + nil = (-1)
    [df,100+,76,63,60,new] [df,10,11,24,22,22,29,28,28,51,72,93,94,new]
    REASON: Last post: 04/11/2008

    (df) Liberty Caroline :
    03/2008+ "life, liberty and politics from a libertarian perspective"
    Caroline : Right - Libertarian : Wellington
    nz? * 16,795,341 : c.10 + ? + nil + nil = (+5)
    [df,100+,new] [df,10,5,6,5,5,7,5,5,17,new]
    REASON: Last post: 13/11/2008

    (df) Korero:
    04/2006+ "assorted idiocies from aotearoa new zealand"
    mystified : Other - ? : NZ
    nz? * ? : c.5 + 2 + nil + nil = (-)
    [df,100+] ! [df,7,7,8,13,12,6,7,7,11,12,13,16,new]
    REASON: Last post: 24/11/2008

    (df) Policy Matters :
    05/2006+ "University teacher: recent book is called Society and Politics"
    Grant Duncan : Other - ? : Auckland
    nz? * ? : c.5 + 2 + nil + nil = (-4)
    [df,100+,df] [df,7,11,11,12,6,6,8,8,12,12,10.5,df]
    REASON: Last post: 23/10/2008

    (df) Politics and Prose :
    03/2008+ "one man's view on all things political and poetic"
    Hoolian : Right - ? : Wellington
    nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + nil + nil = (-)
    [df,100+,new] [df,5,5,7,6,6,6,7,12,new]
    REASON: Last post: 30/11/2008

    (df) Stranded in Reality :
    01/2008+ "greatest fear? no-one intelligent to talk to/being poor"
    Ruth : Other - ? : NZ
    nz? * 22,535,898 : c.10 (est.-no stats) + 17 + nil + nil = (-36)
    [df,100+,84,86,58,56,37,46,54,50,46,58,80,new] [df,27,63,69,112,109,227,165,117,145,160,103,62,new]
    REASON: Last post: 03/12/2008

    (df) Thomas O'Neill's Alliance blog :
    06/2008+ "Union organiser"
    Thomas O'Neill : Left - Alliance : Hawkes Bay
    nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + nil + nil = (-2)
    [df,100+,new] [df,5,7,6,new]
    REASON: Last post: 04/12/2008

    Does not meet criteria

    # (dc) The ex-expat :
    12/2007+ "a recently-returned member of the NZ global diaspora"
    Stef : Left - ? : Auckland
    nz? * 7,217,196 : c.20 + 32 + nil + 5 = (-30)
    [dc,87,60,63,59,53,44,37,20,19,21,22,78,new] [dc,60,90,100,107,116,186,217,283,328,319,307,69,new]
    REASON: Not public (invited readers only) since 12/2008

    JDD said...

    En Avant

    Toby G said...

    Hi thanks ffor posting this