Please note the formula used:
TRAFFIC (Average daily unique visits)
+ INCOMING LINKS (Technorati "Authority")
+ POSTS (Average posts per week, viz: Total posts for month ÷ number of days in month x 7.)
+ COMMENTS (Average highest commented post per week, viz: Total four posts with the most comments for the month ÷ 4. )
Please note also that bracketed numbers indicate change over last survey. (-) means no change. Previous rankings (left) and scores (right) have been moved below the scoring calculation - in squared brackets. Further notes at end of list.
#1 (-) Kiwiblog : www.kiwiblog.co.nz
06/2003+ "fomenting happy mischief"
David P Farrar : Right - National : Wellington
nz147 * 85,481 : c.8,000 (est.-verified01/2009:11,400) + 121 + 55 + 240 = 8416 (+3)
Previous surveys [rank:1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] !
#2 (-) The Standard : www.thestandard.org.nz
08/2007+ "The New Zealand labour movement newspaper digitally reborn"
all_your_base : Left - Labour : NZ
Iprent : Left - Labour : NZ
John A : Left - Labour : NZ
Eddie : Left - Labour : NZ
Steve Pierson/Clinton Smith : Left - Labour/Green : NZ
IrishBill : Left - Labour/Green : NZ
Dancer : Left - ? : NZ
Jasper : Left - ? : NZ
Natwatch : Left - ? : NZ
Ralph Malcolm : Left - ? : NZ
Sam Cash : Left - ? : NZ
Tillerman : Left - ? : NZ
Z K Muggletinspofin : Left - ? : NZ
whenua : Left - ? : NZ
nz336 * 184,023 : 2270 (verified) + 60 + 40 + 150 = 2520 (+89)
[2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,4,6,6,7,7,9] ! [2431,2549,2568,1940,2099,2263,2286,2313,2877,2706,2599,2009,2035,1569,1025,981,854,837,370]
#3 (+2) Cactus Kate : www.asianinvasion2006.blogspot.com
12/2005+ "Feminism at its finest"
Cactus Kate : Right - Act : Hong Kong, China
nz 1,095 * 463,365 : 1610 (verified) + 35 + 13 + 30 = 1688 (+425)
[5,6,9,20,18,17,17,13,13,14,14,15,13,13,13,15,15,14,10] ! [1263,1163,944,331,337,389,379,456,668,676,596,479,452,416,414,363,387,377,354]
#4 (-1) Not PC : www.pc.blogspot.com
04/2005+ "promoting capitalist acts between consenting adults"
Peter Cresswell : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
Susan Ryder : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
Dr Richard McGrath : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
Bernard Darnton : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
nz876 * 297,008 : 1425 (self-reporting)+ 45 + 30 + 65 = 1565 (+38)
[3,3,3,3,3,3,4,3,4,6,5,7,6,6,5,4,6,5,5] ! [1527,1533,1612,1627,1716,1589,1167,1346,1695,1469,1475,1118,1130,1028,1121,1108,1053,1011,972]
#5 (+10) Red Alert : www.blog.labour.org.nz
05/2009+ "Labour MPs on issues that we care about"
Labour MPs (various): Left - Labour : Wellington
nz662 * 302,448 : 1250 (verified) + est.10 + 30 + 65 = 1355 (+900)
[15,18,28,new] [455,395,260,new]
#6 (-) Public Address : www.publicaddress.net
09/2002+ "community of New Zealand-centric weblogs"
Hard News Russell Brown : Left - Labour : Auckland
Cracker Damian Christie : Other - ? : Wellington
Busytown Jolisa Gracewood ? - ? : Connecticut, USA
Island Life David Slack Other - ? : Auckland
Radiation Fiona Rae ? - ? : Auckland
Random Play Graham Reid ? - ? : Auckland
Field Theory Hadyn Green ? - ? : ?
Southerly David Haywood ? - ? : Christchurch
Legal Beagle Graeme Edgeler : Right - ? : NZ
Up Front Emma Hart : ? - ? : NZ
nz460 * 199,309 : c.700 (est.-no stats) + c.170 + 12 + 320 = 1202 (+31)
[6,5,4,4,4,4,3,5,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2] [1171,1331,1396,1339,1194,1164,1271,1083,2834,2424,2435,2431,2445,3317,3499,3416,1920,1896,1903]
#7 (-3) Gotcha! : www.gotcha.co.nz
11/2005+ "Whale Oil Beef Hooked/political commentary with bite"
Whaleoil/Cameron Slater Right - National : Auckland
GMan Right - ? : NZ
Fried Sushi Right - ? : NZ
Lisa Lewis ? - ? : ?
nz488 * 651,237 : c.1000 (verified for whaleoil.co.nz:06/2009:1300) + c.50 + 40 + 20 = 1110 (-341)
[4,4,10,8,8,7,6,6,6,7,6,5,4,3,3,3,3,4,6] ! [1451,1434,926,953,928,953,924,1070,1332,1180,1210,1222,1787,1572,1477,1305,1242,1120,880]
#8 (-1) Dim Post : www.dimpost.wordpress.com
01/2008+ "Satire"
Danyl McLauchlan : Other - ? : Wellington
nz907 * 474,907 : 1020 (Sitemeter) + 33 + 15 + 35 = 1103 (-50)
[7,8,6,9,10,10,8,11,16,13,12,16,19,32,71,new] [1153,1147,1137,874,815,761,842,557,628,678,696,457,327,229,85,new]
#9 (-1) No Minister : www.nominister.blogspot.com
06/2007+ "Sir Humphrey's acid reflux"
Gooner : Right - Act : Auckland
Adolf Fiinkensein : Right - National : Auckland
Psycho Milt : Left - ? : Palmerston North
Lou Taylor : Right - ? : Auckland
Grant : Right - ? : Auckland
Barnsley Bill : Right - ? : Northland
The Veteran : Right - ? : NZ
Sagenz : Right - ? : NZ
nz655 * 357,244 : c.990 (self-reporting/verified07/2009:990) + 32 + 30 + 35 = 1087 (-6)
[8,7,5,5,5,5,5,4,5,4,10,6,7,7,10,11,13,11,11] ! [1093,1156,1193,1154,1135,1136,952,1109,1657,1791,1078,1156,938,968,618,492,442,455,353]
#10 (-1) Frogblog : www.blog.greens.org.nz
03/2005+ "political blog Green Party of Aotearoa New Zealand"
frog : Left - Green : Wellington
Green Party MPs : Left - Green : Wellington/NZ
nz685 * 92,212 : c.700(80% of greens.org.nz) (est.-no stats) + 51 + 13 + 170 = 934 (-105)
[9,11,8,7,7,8,7,7,8,8,9,4,5,5,4,5,4,3,3] ! [1039,965,977,956,934,949,900,971,1144,1147,1100,1315,1136,1106,1163,983,1213,1172,1329]
#11 (-1) No Right Turn : www.norightturn.blogspot.com
02/2003+ "Irredeemably Liberal"
Idiot/Savant : Left - ? : Palmerston North
nz1,572 * 611,028 : 870 (sitemeter) + 66 + 25 + nil = 961 (+34)
[10,9,7,6,6,6,9,8,7,9,8,9,9,8,7,7,5,6,4] [927,1114,1087,1045,1079,1026,834,910,1195,1089,1103,927,850,828,911,877,1055,933,1022]
#12 (-1) Tumeke! : www.tumeke.blogspot.com
04/2005+ "Aotearoa, international - current affairs and culture"
Tim Selwyn : Other - ? : Auckland
Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury : Left - ? : Auckland
Phoebe Fletcher : Left - ? : Auckland
nz1,880 * 609,840 : 770 (extremetracking) + 36 + 30 + 30 = 866 (+11)
[11,10,11,10,9,9,10,9,9,12,11,10,10,10,11,12,10,12,7] * [855,968,860,829,831,782,799,720,952,718,699,639,564,574,544,455,479,425,403]
#13 (-) The Inquiring Mind : www.http://adamsmith.wordpress.com
02/2008+ "news/politics/humour/sport"
Adam Smith : Other - ? : Wellington
nz6,133 * 1,198,213 : c.500 (self-reporting/verified:04/2009:605) + 28 + 35 + 13 = 576 (-63)
[13,13,13,11,15,14,18,16,14,15,15,11,12,12,14,new] ! [639,637,662,693,467,460,291,368,656,649,577,539,459,446,387,new]
#14 (-2) The Hand Mirror: www.thehandmirror.blogspot.com
03/2008+ "Feminism, NZ and international politics, plus cupcakes"
Julie Fairey : Left - ? : NZ
Lil'E : Left - ? : NZ
Maia : Left - ? : NZ
The ex-expat : Left - Labour : NZ
Undomestic Goddess : ? - ? : NZ
The Bewildering Case of Ms Enid Tak-Entity : Left - ? : NZ
Katy : ? - ? : NZ
Deborah : Left - ? : NZ
Anjum Rahman/stargazer : Left - Labour : NZ
Anna : Left - ? : NZ
nz4,507 * 1,243,013 : 490 (extremetracking) + 48 + 15 + 15 = 568 (-124)
[12,12,12,12,11,12,15,19,20,22,22,18,20,14,30,55,new] ! [692,762,804,652,681,582,396,293,379,317,316,412,326,326,294,119,new]
#15 (+2) Homepaddock : www.homepaddock.wordpress.com
04/2008+ "A rural perspective with a blue tint"
Ele Ludemann : Right - National : North Otago
nz1,019 * 611,858 : 420 (verified/self-reporting) + 44 + 45 + 12 = 521 (+102)
[17,14,14,15,14,15,12,15,17,17,16,12,16,21,100+,new] ! [419,546,546,507,469,449,423,412,612,513,484,523,343,282,46,new]
#16 (-) Kiwipolitico : www.kiwipolitico.com
01/2009+ "Environmentalist, centre-left/left-of-centre, public policy and the political process."
Jafapete : Left - ? : Auckland
Anita : Left - ? : Wellington
Pablo : Left - ? : Overseas
Roger Nome : Left - ? : NZ
nz2,139 * 642,405 : c.380 (verified07/2009:380) + 28 + 10 + 40 = 458 (+4)
[16,17,21,21,19,18,14,new] ! [454,420,335,331,335,381,404,new]
#17 (+1) Hot topic : www.hot-topic.co.nz
04/2007+ "Global warming in NZ/AUT"
Gareth Renowden : Other - ? : Waipara
Bryan Walker : Other - ? : NZ
nz8,613 * 1,521,454 : c.320 (verified) + 30 + 7 + 100 = 457 (+39)
[18,16,16,17,20,20,20,25,24,25,21,33,31,28,45,35,68,62,50] ! [418,440,450,389,328,312,252,205,300,245,333,254,257,249,178,261,88,87,104]
#18 (+12) Roar Prawn : www.roarprawn.blogspot.com
08/2008+ "Militant carnivore, larger than life, often seen lunching"
Busted Blonde : Right - ? : Wellington
nz1,835 * 1,082,053 : 385 (Sitemeter)+ 23 + 15 + 6 = 429 (+211)
[30,75,15,13,12,13,16,17,15,11,13,34,new] [218,74,455,570,670,470,390,337,651,934,685,245,new]
#19 (-5) MacDoctor : www.macdoctor.co.nz
06/2008+ "Politics and Medicine: A Lethal Combination"
Dr. Jim McVeagh : ? - ? : NZ
nz1,506 * 652,856 : 355 (extremetracking)+ 44 + 14 + 15 = 428 (-33)
[14,15,17,16,17,27,31,34,57,71,new] ! [461,473,430,445,355,227,194,166,114,75,new]
#20 (+5) In a strange land : www.inastrangeland.wordpress.com
07/2007+ "Feminism"
Deborah : Left - ? : Adelaide, Australia
nz? * 2,960,555 : 320 (Sitemeter)+ 28 + 4 + 25 = 377 (+112)
[25,23,24,18,26,23,51,54,54,52,49,50,42,43,38,26,41,41,46] ! [265,275,297,382,276,264,112,104,122,120,129,155,192,193,230,298,205,161,113]
#21 (-1) Open Parachute : www.openparachute.wordpress.com/
05/2007+ "A scientist comments on philosophy, science, religion/Retired scientist."
Ken Perrott : Other - ? : Waikato
nz3,101 * 660,081 : 225 (Sitemeter) + 40 + 5 + 75 = 345 (+40)
[20,20,26,19,23,22,19,new] [305,360,277,342,306,274,284,new]
#22 (-3) Poneke’s Weblog : www.poneke.wordpress.com
12/2007+ "Politically and socially aware media professional of 20 years’ experience"
Poneke : Other - ? : Wellington
nz9,743 * 1,697,606 : 275 (Statcounter) + 23 + 1 + 20 = 319 (+12)
[19,19,20,27,30,11,11,18,18,18,17,13,11,11,9,10,11,17,63] ! [307,376,366,273,242,736,571,328,498,510,463,517,540,563,677,565,461,361,61] Last post 12/09/2009
#23 (-) The Visible Hand in Economics : www.tvhe.co.nz
07/2007+ "Exploring government and society’s role in economics"
James Zuccollo : Other - ? : Wellington
Matt Nolan : Other - ? : NZ
nz2,481 * 232,917 : 240 (Sitemeter) + 34 + 7 + 25 = 306 (+19)
[23,21,18,14,13,19,22,30,19,20,19,22,17,16,28,42,44,49,68] ! [287,332,404,567,591,378,240,193,464,487,399,345,338,296,305,211,177,120,58]
#24 (-) New Zealand Conservative : www.nzconservative.blogspot.com
03/2007+ "Catholic: Sine Dominico Non Possomos"
MrTips : Right - Conservative/Catholic : NZ
Lucyna/Lucia Maria : Right - Conservative/Catholic : NZ
ZenTiger : Right - Conservative/Catholic : NZ
I.M Fletcher : Right - Conservative/Christian : NZ
Border Collie : Right - Conservative/Catholic : NZ
Andrei : Right - Conservative/Catholic : NZ
nz672 * 368,934 : 220 (self-reporting/verified) + 22 + 20 + 40 = 302 (+36)
[24,26,22,22,28,30,27,22,23,23,24,23,15,22,21,19,18,16,22] [266,268,309,310,263,216,222,230,317,300,297,331,367,280,327,329,343,362,263]
#25 (-4) MandM : www.mandm.org.nz
11/2006+ "Christian Philosophy, Theology, Ethics, Civil Liberties, Politics & Social Commentary"
Dr Matthew Flannagan : Right - Classical liberal : Auckland
Madeleine Flannagan : Right - Classical liberal : Auckland
nz380 * 204,296 : 170 (Statcounter) + 46 + 8 + 60 = 284 (-6)
[21,29,35,26,35,39,54,50,46,50,77,92,100+,96,97,97] [290,249,213,279,193,156,102,118,154,126,67,61,31,31,40,43,45,44.5,33]
#26 (+3) Anti-Dismal : www.antidismal.blogspot.com
11/2007+ "Economics/Lecturer Canterbury University"
Paul Walker : Other - ? : Christchurch
nz13,797 * 1,328,200 : 185 (sitemeter) + 36 + 20 + 4 = 245 (+10)
[29,24,25,24,21,24,30,57,26,29,37,58,53,50,82,new] [235,270,283,291,310,259,204,100,255,223,168,128,124,129,72,new]
#27 (+21) Canterbury Atheist : www.canterburyatheists.blogspot.com
04/2008+ "Atheists do look for answers to existence itself - they just don't make them up"
Paul Kronos : ? - Atheist : Christchurch
nz? * 3,797,891 : 245 (Sitemeter) + ? + nil + nil = 245 (+117)
[48,42,37,40,45,new] [128,148,203,168,139,new]
#28 (-1) Barnsley Bill : www.barnsleybill.blogspot.com
01/2007+ "My sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others"
Barnsley Bill : Right - ? : Northland
John Q Public : Right - ? : NZ
The Kohi Yid : Right - ? : Auckland
Fairfacts Media : Right - ? : Auckland
Princess Fiona : ? - ? : Auckland
nz5,460 * 1,127,369 : c.200 (verified04/2009:215) + 21 + 5 + 14 = 240 (-11)
[27,28,27,25,16,28,24,21,25,32,27,29,40,41,86,100+,75,54,76] ! [251,250,274,286,377,220,227,246,288,198,216,287,207,197,68,38,76,105,52]
#29 (+11) New Zeal : www.newzeal.blogspot.com
05/2005+ "Promoting liberty"
Trevor Loudon : Right - Act/Libertarian : Christchurch
nz6,136 * 764,104 : c.130 (est.-no stats) + 87 + 8 + 10 = 235 (+64)
[40,37,29,31,24,16,13,10,12,16,23,30,39,30,25,18,14,13,15] [171,180,251,253,280,396,419,619,698,628,314,280,213,242,312,329,388,378,317]
#30 (-2) Reading the maps : www.readingthemaps.blogspot.com
04/2004+ "Kiwi kultcha, cartography, history, herstory"
maps : Left - ? : NZ
muzzlehatch : Left - ? : Auckland
Skyler : Left - Green : Auckland
nz? * 5,188,484 : 190 (extremetracking)+ 24 + 3 + 15 = 232 (-6)
[28,30,23,28,22,21,25,28,27,28,29,43,50,48,48,49,45,44,36] [238,244,301,273,307,275,226,201,241,234,203,188,138,147,152,147,167,144,140]
#31 (+2) Something should go here, maybe later : www.halfdone.wordpress.com
09/2006+ "halfdone/political and Christian issues - conservative"
scrubone : Right - Conservative/Christian : NZ
nz1,142 * 549,746 : 170 (sitemeter) + 31 + 20 + 10 = 231 (+21)
[33,25,31,32,27,31,23,24,33,34,36,41,33,45,31,24,33,30,20] [210,269,232,234,264,213,236,206,202,184,171,205,239,183,287,306,268,269,284]
#32 (+6) Say Hello to my Little Friend : www.beretta-online.com/wordpress
05/2006+ "Shooting from the lip/Philosophy, theology, politics"
Dr Glenn Peoples : Right - Christian : NZ
nz901 * 578,249 : c.190 + 14 + 2 + 14 = 220 (+40)
[38,36,41,47,61,79,67,94,97,100+,new] [180,185,177,145,98,69,79,58,59,35,34,new]
#33 (-1) Keeping Stock : www.keepingstock.blogspot.com
08/2007+ "Politics, education, church activities"
Inventory2 : Right - ? : Whanganui
nz4,029 * 861,593 : c.120 (est.-no stats) + 26 + 35 + 25 = 206 (-6)
[32,34,36,35,33,35,35,23,22,19,18,17,14,25,37,41,43,34,42] [212,207,205,207,211,184,167,219,378,491,402,432,374,262,230,218,192,240,126] Last post: 25/08/2009
#34 (-3) Liberty Scott : www.libertyscott.blogspot.com
08/2005+ "the pursuit of happiness and private property"
Liberty Scott : Right - Libertarian : UK
nz2,858 * 1,187,114 : 155 (verified) + 22 + 14 + 12 = 203 (-12)
[31,31,30,30,29,29,53,31,28,24,25,21,18,18,18,34,51,55,43] [215,231,242,260,247,219,108,193,236,254,265,361,336,293,336,262,122,105,125]
#35 (-) whoar.co.nz : www.whoar.co.nz
02/2005+ "news/information/opinion/debate/humour"
Whoar/Phil : Left - Green : NZ
nz15,2691 * 2,512,636 : c.50 (est.-no stats) + 5 + c.140 + 1 = 196 (-5)
[35,35,34,34,32,34,29,29,34,30,28,27,28,31,15,17,30,35,26] [201,201,215,215,215,205,210,195,195,205,205,296,266,238,359,337,282,234,212]
#36 (-14) Being Frank : www.beingfrank.co.nz
07/2006+ "Seven 20-something New Zealand Catholics"
Admin (various -aliases) : ? - Christian/Catholic : NZ
nz2,727 * 945,509 : c.110 + 5 + 7 + 65 = 187 (-103)
[22,22,33,new] [290,308,219,new]
#37 (-1) Big News : www.big-news.blogspot.com
03/2004+ "News, views, politics"
Dave Crampton : Other - ? : Wellington
nz1,547 * 658,803 : c.140 (verified07/2009:140) + 26 + 10 + 5 = 181 (-6)
[36,32,42,43,51,38,37,37,36,26,43,56,52,53,46,47,29,28,31] ! [187,229,171,155,122,170,155,156,185,243,154,133,129,118,158,157,291,276,160]
#38 (+4) Put 'em all on an island : www.uroskin.blogspot.com
08/2003+ "Connecting the electrodes of queer wisdom to the nipples of bigotry and ignorance"
Uroskin : Left - Green : Waiheke Island
nz? * 3,551,394 : 170 (ShinyStat) + 7 + 1 + 2 = 180 (+29)
[42,45,50,42,36,33,28,33,64,new] ! [151,137,137,159,189,206,215,189,100,new]
#39 (-2) Offsetting Behaviour : www.offsettingbehaviour.blogspot.com
03/2009+ "Economist, Canterbury University"
Eric Crampton : Other - ? : Christchurch
nz21,790 * 1,805,918 : 120 (Sitemeter) + 40 + 9 + 7 = 176 (-10)
[37,33,19,23,40,new] [186,226,377,295,151,new]
#40 (+4) Lindsay Mitchell : www.lindsaymitchell.blogspot.com
12/2005+ "The welfare state is unsustainable economically, socially and morally"
Lindsay Mitchell : Right - Act : Wellington
nz2,750 * 878,194 : c.120 (est.-no stats)+ 22 + 9 + 12 = 163 (+18)
[44,46,47,48,37,40,42,47,50,54,50,45,49,49,41,37,39,40,29] [145,137,150,142,170,149,127,121,132,117,126,183,145,132,216,240,235,180,166]
#41 (new) Brad Heap : www.brad.net.nz/blog/
11/2005+ "Views and News from Auckland/Satellite"
Brad Heap : ? - ? : Auckland
nz1,373 * 679,634 : c.150 + 4 + 5 + nil = 159 (-)
[new] [new]
#42 (+7) Sustain:if:able Kiwi : www.emergentkiwi.org.nz
11/2003+ "seeking a sustain-if-able spirituality with God/self/people/place/culture"
Steve Taylor : ? - Christian/Baptist : Canterbury
nz17,540 * 3,289,795 : 70 (Sitemeter) + 59 + 3 + 15 = 147 (+20)
[49,44,48,new] [127,143,150,new]
#43 (+15) The Fairfacts Media Show : www.fairfactsmedia.blogspot.com
03/2009+ "politics"
Fairfacts : Right - ? : Auckland
nz1,901 * 1,056,439 : c.90 + ? + 50 + 5 = 145 (+40)
[58,dmc,38,69,new] [105,dmc,178,87,new]
#44 (+1) Liberation : www.liberation.typepad.com
01/2005+ "lecturer in Political Studies at the University of Otago"
Bryce Edwards : Other - ? : Dunedin
nz3,957 * 1,420,761 : 120 (Sitemeter) + 19 + 1 + 4 = 144 (+2)
[45,55,54,54,76,77,80,80,74,74,92,100+,91,81,73,70,67,71] [142,112,131,117,79,71,67,66,78,74,54,48,45,57,74,77,85,82,58]
#45 (-11) Knowledge Workers : www.billbennettnz.wordpress.com
05/2008+ "for people who have to think for a living"
Bill Bennett : ? - ? : Auckland
nz7,678 * 635,778 : 85 (Sitemeter) + 44 + 6 + 7 = 142 (-65)
[34,39,43,46,41,65,71,81,77,82,82,93,new] [207,174,169,148,149,80,74,65,75,68,65,60,new]
#46 (+7) TBR.cc (The Briefing Room) : www.briefingroom.typepad.com
04/2006+ "Investigate magazine's breaking news forum"
Ian Wishart : Right - Christian/National : Auckland
Andrei : Right - Christian/National : NZ
nz6,142 * 1,300,108 : c.70 (est.-no stats) + 20 + 2 + 45 = 137 (+26)
[53,53,49,64,56,25,32,27,31,35,30,25,22,29,17,23,26,26,23] [111,117,149,94,104,251,183,203,223,182,198,318,305,247,342,306,297,285,232]
#47 (-8) Hitting Metal With A Hammer : www.hittingmetalwithahammer.wordpress.com
06/2006+ "Anglosphere"
Murray Hill : Right - ? : Wellington
Alisa : Right - ? : Israel?
Dave : Right - ? : UK?
Mike : Right - ? : USA?
Country Bumpkint : Right - ? : NZ?
nz7,512 * 2,266,232 : 100 (sitemeter) + 25 + 2 + 7 = 134 (-43)
[39,51,39,57,48,44,38,45,38,40,39,55,48,52,47,51,48,45,28] [177,121,181,114,129,139,148,126,179,157,162,134,147,121,157,125,145,137,180]
#48 (-7) The Evolving Newsroom : www.evolvingnewsroom.co.nz
12/2007+ "Links and observations on news and journalism"
Julie Starr : ? - ? : NZ
nz3,745 * 816,200 : c.120 + 6 + 3 + 3 = 132 (-20)
[41,41,53,45,39,86,74,67,75,new] [152,148,131,153,154,65,72,77,78,new]
#49 (-6) Fundy post : www.fundypost.blogspot.com
11/2006+ "religious politics, Art, philosophy"
Paul Litterick : Left - ? : Auckland
nz23,990 * 3,714,079 : 105 (sitemeter) + 12 + 3 + 8 = 128 (-18)
[43,38,46,41,38,36,26,35,30,43,41,53,57,47,58,44,37,33,30] [146,176,164,160,168,183,223,166,230,154,159,150,117,152,123,176,237,255,163]
#50 (+35) Blogs | Act NZ : www.act.org.nz/blog
04/2004+ "Act party blogs"
Rodney Hide : Right - Act : Wellington/Auckland
Heather Roy : Right - Act : Wellington/NZ
Roger Douglas : Right - Act : Wellington/Auckland
John Thompson : Right - Act : NZ
nz6,298 * 573,294 : c.120 (est.-no stats) (70% of act.org.nz) + ? + 6 + nil = 126 (+62)
[85,85,100+,40,35,27,31,35,32,35,32,27,24,23,14] [64,64,45,46,42,41,50,143,188,234,240,252,222,282,296,300,304.5,317]
#51 (-8) Oswald Bastable's Ranting : www.oswaldbastable.blogspot.com
07/2005+ "Pollitically Incorrect and friggin' proud of it!"
Oswald Bastable : Right - Libertarian : Featherston
nz2,853 * 1,162,294 : c.80 (est.-no stats) + 12 + 13 + 20 = 125 (+20)
[59,48,52,49,43,47,39,38,44,49,47,48,51,57,73,77,66,58,59] [105,126,133,137,145,133,141,152,156,127,130,167,131,108,83,72,89,98,74]
#52 (new) BK Drinkwater : www.bkdrinkwater.blogspot.com
02/2009+ "Raising awareness of the life, works, and ego of BK Drinkwater"
BK Drinkwater : ? - ? : Wellington
nz1,833 * 1,391,669 : c.70 + 12 + 25 + 15 = 122 (-)
[new] [new]
#53 (-7) The Persuader : www.jackyan.com/blog
01/2006+ "Publisher, Lucire"
Jack Yan : Left - Alliance : NZ
nz3,125 * 980,849 : c.100 (est.-no stats) + 16 + 3 + 3 = 122 (-15)
[46,43,40,29,25,37,33,32,37,new] [137,145,178,262,279,176,175,190,181,new]
#54 (+6) The Strategist : www.kotare.typepad.com/thestrategist/
01/2007+ "Kotare's journal on global affairs"
Kotare/Peter Hodge : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 1,446,965 : c.60 (est.-no stats) + 33 + 7 + 15 = 121 (+17)
[60,57,64,53,50,52,45,46,52,47,45,47,41,39,34,45,49,43,33] [104,111,103,122,123,117,123,123,130,133,137,172,193,210,243,173,130,146,152]
#55 (+6) Editing the Herald : www.editingtheherald.blogspot.com
01/2009+ "Inventing and perpetuating news-rage journalism"
James : ? - ? : Auckland
nz4,542 * 1,355,822 : c.70 + 8 + 5 + 35 = 118 (+16)
[61,62,51,new] [102,103,135,new]
#56 (-6) Clint Heine and Friends : www.clintheine.blogspot.com
05/2005+ "Musings and abusings"
Clint Heine : Right - Act : NZ
BoomTownPrat : Right - ? : NZ
Shout Above the Noise : Right - ? : NZ
Not Astute : Right - ? : NZ
nz7,893 * 1,361,999 : c.70 (Sitemeter:10/2008:80)+ 31 + 6 + 7 = 114 (-12)
[50,50,56,50,55,50,44,49,41,37,33,28,24,34,29,28,21,21,17] [126,121,121,128,113,127,123,120,170,177,187,295,296,226,302,294,308,312,308]
#57 (+8) Brian Edwards Media : www.brianedwardsmedia.co.nz
03/2009+ "'The rave' from media training company Callingham & Edwards Ltd"
Dr Brian Edwards : Left - Labour? : Auckland
Judy Callingham : Left - Labour? : Auckland
nz9,863 * 2,603,984 : c.50 + est.5 + 4 + 55 = 114 (+22)
[65,80,79,98,100+,new] [92,69,76,56,31,new]
#58 (-1) The Humanitarian Chronicle : www.humanitarianchronicle.com
04/2008+ "unofficial blog of TEAR Fund NZ - Christian activism around the developing world"
Admin : ? - ? : NZ
nz1,161 * 494,072 : 85 (Sitemeter) + 10 + 3 + 12 = 110 (+5)
[57,47,63,58,44,48,58,100,100+,new] [105,131,103,108,141,133,92,54,56,51,37,43,41,41,32,new]
#59 (-7) Pundit : www.pundit.co.nz
09/2008+ "News analysis, commentary, and thoughtful pondering"
Tim Watkin : ? - ? : Auckland
Jane Young : ? - ? : Canada
David Beatson : ? - ? : NZ
Eleanor Black : ? - ? : NZ
David Lewis : ? - ? : NZ
Dr Jon Johansson : ? - ? : Wellington
Nicky Hager : Left - ? : NZ
David Young : ? - ? : NZ
Toby Manhire : ? - ? : NZ
Rebecca Priestley : ? - ? : NZ
Andrew Geddis : ? - ? : NZ
Keith Ovenden : ? - ? : NZ
nz3,134 * 1,136,155 : c.80 (est.-no stats) + est.10 + 4 + 15 = 109 (-10)
[52,59,62,60,57,53,57,26,32,31,66,new] [119,104,104,102,103,112,94,205,220,198,86,new]
#60 (-6) RobiNZ personal blog : www.rcd.typepad.com/personal/
03/2004+ "no CAD here! Just the other stuff/cars"
Robinz : ? - ? : Auckland
nz42,196 * 569,275 : c.100 (self-reporting:03/2006:105) (50% rcd.typepad.com) + 5 + 4 + nil = 109 (-2)
[54,56,60,56,53,49,41,42,45,41,42,38,34,36,40,39,38,36,new] [111,112,111,115,120,132,130,132,155,157,158,218,229,222,222,222,236,230,new]
#61 (-10) Ethical Martini : www.ethicalmartini.wordpress.com
04/2007+ "cocktail of journalism and alcohol/media ethics"
Martin Hirst : Left - ? : NZ
nz3,298 * 1,007,291 : c.90 + 17 + nil + nil = 107 (-17)
[51,40,38,37,72,58,77,100+,68,59,46,47,64,62,81,100+] [124,158,183,189,81,92,70,43,54,80,98,181,161,98,102,65,26,37,new]
#62 (+1) John Key : www.johnkey.co.nz
11/2006+ "National party leader, MP for Helensville"
John Key : Right - National : Wellington/Auckland
nz6,701 * 1,527,152 : c.60 (est.-no stats) + 30 + 4 + 6 = 100 (+4)
[63,63,66,61,54,54,52,41,42,48,52,59,54,60,43,33,35,32,39] [96,98,94,100,115,107,110,133,168,130,118,125,123,102,190,272,261,257,139]
#63 (-16) G.blog : www.greenvoices.wordpress.com
07/2008+ "Anyone can write for gblog so long as you are a current Green Party member"
(multiple authors) : Left - Green : NZ
nz4,950 * 1,434,324 : c.70 (est.-no stats) + 10 + 3 + 15 = 98 (-32)
[47,49,59,69,62,56,49,43,47,44,46,42,83,new] ! [130,123,115,85,93,96,112,131,153,150,133,193,67,new]
#64 (+20) Socialist Aotearoa : www.socialistaotearoa.blogspot.com
04/2006+ "of workers, by workers, for workers"
Joseph 'Solidarity Jo' : Left - Socialist : NZ
nz? * 4,291,317 : 85 (statcounter) + est.5 + 2 + 1 = 93 (+28)
[84,81,70,62,70,60,60,90,78,new] [65,69,90,100,83,88,87,59,75,new]
#65 (-9) Radical cross stitch : www.radicalcrossstitch.com
11/2004+ "Bloggreen/Kakariki/radical activism"
Kakariki : Left - Green : NZ
nz? * 2,030,598 : c.55 (est.-verified@08/2008:300) + 31 + 1 + 5 = 92 (-16)
[56,54,44,33,31,26,21,20,21,21,20,19,43,46,35,43,47,48,47] [108,115,165,233,231,250,252,270,379,370,368,401,180,182,238,198,146,130,112]
#66 (-11) Dave Gee: Life from Right Field : www.davegeeblog.com
12/2004+ "News, music, TV, media, sports and life"
Dave Gee : Right - ? : Dunedin
nz7,121 * 1,228,462 : c.80 (est.-no stats) + 8 + 1 + nil = 89 (-20)
[55,52,57,63,60,55,55,44,43,33,34,24,21,33,36,13,12,10,18] [109,122,120,99,99,99,100,130,166,192,182,321,313,226,236,380,455,461,300] Last post 27/08/2009
#67 (-3) Workers Party : www.workersparty.org.nz/
02/2008+ "Formerly 'The Spark' - Official Blog of the Workers Party (NZ)/Marxist"
WP Admin/R Broad : Left - Workers Party : NZ
nz? * 8,492,743 : 75 (Sitemeter)+ 6 + 3 + 4 = 88 (-5)
[64,58,45,44,42,41,40,36,29,67,100+,new] [93,108,165,154,148,148,141,160,235,80,18,35,42,42,27,new]
#68 (-6) Bowalley Road : www.bowalleyroad.blogspot.com
11/2008+ "Ruminations of an old New Zealander"
Chris Trotter : Left - Labour : Auckland
nz7,187 * 2,035,967 : c.55 + est.20 + 3 + 8 = 86 (-12)
[62,61,65,68,83,89,72,69,82,new] ! [98,103,96,86,72,61,72,72,72,new]
#69 (-3) Stephen Franks : www.stephenfranks.co.nz
02/2007+ "consultant lawyer, former Act MP/National candidate for Wellington Central"
Stephen Franks : Right - National : Wellington
nz10,060 * 1,665,537 : c.55 + 18 + 3 + 5 = 81 (-8)
[66,64,72,67,59,57,65,56,49,42,44,39,36,26,22,25,34,37,32] [89,94,86,87,101,95,83,101,139,154,139,216,222,253,324,298,267,216,154]
#70 (+3) Auckland blog : www.aucklandblog.blogspot.com
11/2007+ "Auckland city councillor"
Aaron Bhatnagar : Right - National : Auckland
nz5,914 * 1,546,081 : c.60 (est.-no stats) + 7 + 9 + 4 = 80 (+4)
[73,67,82,79,80,68,73,98,100+,62,63,32,26,23,24,29,20,25,67] [76,82,74,73,75,78,72,54,55,90,90,257,278,280,314,290,311,286,59]
#71 (+4) PM of NZ : www.pmofnz.blogspot.com
05/2007+ "Politicians: Almost as well informed as bloggers"
PM of NZ : Right - ? : NZ
nz8,590 * 2,230,384 : c.55 + 7 + 15 + 3 = 80 (+5)
[75,73,76,72,84,71,78,72,59,66,67,63,61,71,100+,90,96,86] [75,76,77,82,72,76,69,71,104,83,80,113,105,89,32,36,56,45,42]
#72 (+4) Monkeys with Typewriters : www.monkeyswithtypewriter.blogspot.com
12/2007+ "White male in my forties. Used to be rather 'Left' now am 'a bit right'"
Lee Clark : Left - Maori Party : Auckland
nz11,919 * 2,407,129 : c.55 + 11 + 5 + 8 = 79 (+5)
[76,68,69,52,47,43,48,52,51,56,57,69,65,62,67,50,50,100+] ! [74,80,91,123,132,142,113,110,130,114,106,100,98,100,94,127,128,40,21]
#73 (-6) Contra Celsum : www.jtcontracelsum.blogspot.com
05/2007+ "Where Jerusalem and Athens are in irreconcilable conflict"
John Tertullian/Contra Celsum : Right - Christian : NZ
nz4,267 * 1,557,720 : c.60 + 8 + 9 + 2 = 79 (-2)
[67,69,74,75,90,76,75,91,95,100+,94,90,80,83,85,new] [81,79,83,76,68,72,70,59,61,37,54,62,72,69,70,new]
#74 (-6) Christian News New Zealand : www.christiannews.co.nz
0?/2008- "Mainline evangelical and conservative"
? : ? - Christian : NZ
nz16,294 * 1,691,508 : c.60 + 11 + 2 + 3 = 76 (-5)
[68,74,85,91,89,74,new] [81,76,71,63,70,74,new]
#75 (+8) Eye of the Fish : www.eyeofthefish.org
01/2008+ "urban life, design, architecture in Wellington"
Philip : Other - ? : Wellington
Maximus : Left - ? : Wellington
Aaron : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 3,569,076 : c.40 + 8 + 2 + 25 = 75 (+10)
[83,65,99,87,64,83,81,65,70,84,71,68,71,69,51,new] [65,86,58,66,91,67,67,78,87,67,73,100,86,91,143,new]
#76 (-2) Greenpeace NZ blog : www.weblog.greenpeace.org.nz
01/2008+ "Greenpeace NZ office staff (& others) speak their minds"
Nick : Left - ? : NZ
Francois : Left - ? : NZ
Kathy : Left - ? : NZ
nz9,506 * 1,586,811 : c.50 (70% of main page) + 11 + 3 + 5 = 69 (-6)
[74,72,77,83,77,72,47,66,68,61,61,61,66,new] [75,77,77,69,78,76,114,78,90,92,92,118,93,new]
#77 (+1) Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand : www.republic.org.nz/blog
01/2003+ "NZ's Constitution from a republican perspective/Chair Republican Movement" (formerly 'Holden Republic')
Lewis Holden : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 2,133,971 : c.50 + est.10 + 4 + 5 = 69 (-2)
[78,77,75,73,79,80,83,100+,87,68,60,46,42,49] [71,73,79,79,78,69,64,48,51,31,31,39,43,62,92,107,166,155,106]
#78 (-9) En Avant : www.jimdonovan.net.nz
03/2007+ "Business leadership/techbiz"
Jim Donovan : Right - ? : Wellington
nz22,752 * 3,012,922 : c.45 + 16 + 4 + 3 = 68 (-12)
[69,70,71,66,63,new] [80,79,89,87,93,new]
#79 (+12) dad4justice : www.dad4justice.blogspot.com
02/2007+ "Kids need Dads too"
Peter Burns : ? - ? : Christchurch
nz? * 3,386,602 : 50 (sitemeter) + 7 + 8 + 1 = 66 (+7)
[91,76,78,81,81,75,79,73,80,77,68,81,81,74,77,70,53,51,74] ! [59,74,76,72,74,72,68,69,73,74,80,74,71,82,75,88,120,113,53]
#80 (+14) I See Red : www.tonymilne.blogs.com
10/2005+ "a centre-left perspective on Christchurch and New Zealand politics"
Tony Milne : Left - Labour : NZ
nz15,977 * 2,438,749 : c.50 (est.-no stats) + 4 + 3 + 9 = 66 (+9)
[94,86,100+,84,76,77,85,70,64,40,27,19,27,16,25,24,38] [57,63,41,47,50,66,70,68,69,76,90,216,269,284,309,339,300,298,139]
#81 (-4) Capitalism bad, Tree pretty : www.capitalismbad.blogspot.com
10/2005+ "Unconditional love, solidarity, freedom"
Maia : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 4,575,533 : 55 (sitemeter) + est.10 + 1 + nil = 66 (-6)
[77,60,55,39,34,32,36,39,40,39,32,49,38,42,39,38,23,27,13] [72,104,130,175,201,208,167,146,172,168,189,167,213,197,228,223,305,280,319]
#82 (new) Mars 2 Earth : www.mars2earth.blogspot.com
03/2009+ "Ngai Tahu, Environment, People, Space, Kaitiakitanga, Politics"
Marty Mars : Left - ? : Whakatu
nz 40,049 * 7,679,404 : 40 (Sitemeter) + 5 + 15 + 5 = 65 (-)
[new] [new]
#83 (17+) True Paradigm : www.bethyada.blogspot.com
01/2007+ "On theology, thoughts on Scripture, interpretation"
Bethyada : ? - Christian : NZ
nz15,421 * 3,765,151 : c.35 + 7 + 3 + 20 = 65 (+23)
[100+,99,99,new] [42,46,48,56,54,new]
#84 (16+) redrave : www.redrave.blogspot.com
03/2006+ "Communist Workers' Group: Leninist/Trotskyist Fraction"
communist worker : Left - Communist : NZ
nz? * 1,318,205 : c.60 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 65 (+15)
[100+] [50,45,28,32,36,17,18,19,13,14,14,14,13,13,18,19,14,12.5,12.5]
#85 (15+) Pacific Empire : www.pacificempire.org.nz
07/2006+ "brothers, libertarians"
Phil : Right - Libertarian : Wellington
Luke : Right - Libertarian : Wellington
nz6,309 * 2,026,208 : c.55 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 64 (+12)
[100+,94,92,87,90,74,73,75,72,75,62,55,52,40,31,39,45] [52,46,55,62,64,64,56,69,81,74,72,90,105,116,143,219,278,185,119]
#86 (-) Website.net.nz : www.website.net.nz
12/2006+ "Just for the sake of it"
? : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 1,837,833 : c.55 + 7 + 1 + nil = 63 (-)
[86,84,89,88,75,64,66,75,new] ! [63,64,69,64,79,81,82,68,new] Last post 23/08/2009
#87 (-15) Mulholland Drive : www.blairmulholland.typepad.com
12/2006+ "Life lived liberally"
Blair Mulholland : Right - Act : Auckland
nz? * 2,987,339 : c.45 (est.-from page views:03/2009:c.90) + 16 + 1 + 1 = 63 (-14)
[72,66,58,51,52,59,56,51,48,36,35,26,25,17,16,22,28,29,25] [77,84,118,124,122,88,97,113,141,178,179,311,292,294,357,314,295,274,221] Last post 15/08/2009
#88 (-9) Media Fetish : www.mediafetish.co.nz
03/2008+ "NZ Media and communication + TV news ratings"
Media Blogger : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 6,293,293 : 55 (Sitemeter) + 8 + nil + nil = 63 (-7)
[79,91,98,59,58,66,85,70,91,86,100+,new] [70,59,58,107,103,80,62,72,65,65,48,new] Last post 20/07/2009
#89 (11+) Life and Politics : www.lifeandpolitics.wordpress.com
04/2009+ "Occasional comment on politics and the media in New Zealand"
Jake Quinn : ? - ? : NZ
nz8,979 * 3,632,240 : c.40 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 62 (+14)
[100+,61,new] [48,50,105,new]
#90 (+7) Unity blog : www.unityaotearoa.blogspot.com
02/2007+ "Official blog of Socialist Worker/Marxist"
Grant B. : Left - Socialist : NZ
Grant Morgan : Left - Socialist : NZ
Vaughan : Left - Socialist : Northland
Joseph : Left - Socialist : NZ
UNITY : Left - Socialist : NZ
nz? * 5,801,761 : 50 (statcounter) + 5 + 5 + 2 = 62 (+5)
[97,98,100+,98,89,92,81,83,73,79,84,59,59,52,55,53,34] [57,54,42,50,50,54,58,59,73,68,72,80,66,103,114,124,116,109,147]
#91 (9+) Ozymandias Warning : www.ozymandiaswarning.com
01/2008+ "Where humour and life intersect"
Shem Banbury : Other - ? : Bay of Plenty
nz? * 6,576,881 : 45 (stats) + 7 + 3 + 7 = 62 (+16)
[100+,new] [46,35,38,31,32,21,24,34,new]
#92 (-12) Aotearoa: a wider perspective: www.aotearoaawiderperspective.wordpress.com
07/2007+ "International finance and how it connects to Aotearoa"
travellerev : Left - ? : NZ
nz10,953 * 1,681,085 : 25 (Statcounter) + 17 + 15 + 2 = 59 (-7)
[80,92,81,70,65,51,50,59,61,53,40,51,35,44,44,48,69,new] ! [66,58,74,84,90,122,112,91,103,119,160,154,226,186,188,148,87,new]
#93 (7+) Quote Unquote : www.quoteunquotenz.blogspot.com
12/2008+ "It's not what it used to be"
Stephen Stratford : Right - ? : Waipa
nz? * 6,247,851 : 50 (Sitemeter)+ ? + 6 + 3 = 59 (+4)
[100+,new] [55,29,20,19,20,new]
#94 (-23) Kiwi Polemicist : www.kiwipolemicist.wordpress.com
08/2008+ "On politics, economics, and more"
KP : Right - Christian/classical liberal : NZ
nz? * 3,031,340 : c.45 + 7 + 3 + 3 = 58 (-13)
[71,78,93,76,73,61,64,71,72,92,new] [79,70,67,74,81,84,83,72,82,58,new]
#95 (+3) LAWS 179: Elephants and the law : www.laws179.co.nz
03/2005+ "New Zealand Centre for Public Law. Victoria University"
Dean Knight : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 3,605,193 : c.35 (est.-no stats) + 17 + 2 + 3 = 57 (+1)
[98,100+,93,94,82,76,76,78,100,100+,98,100+,92,89,99,65] [56,37,33,45,45,56,54,64,77,74,67,54,50,53,49,56,59,43.5,61]
#96 (4+) CBMilne33 : www.cbmilne33.blogspot.com
07/2006+ "Workers of the world unite"
Colin Bruce milne : Left - Alliance : Te Awamutu
nz29,234 * 2,592,795 : c.50 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 56 (+5)
[100+,67,69,79,96,100+,75,56,49,62,100+] ! [51,46,43,52,53,78,77,66,60,43,46,35,78,109,151,105,37,41,29]
#97 (-27) Just Left : www.jtc.blogs.com
04/2004+ "Equality, fairness and freedom - a Labour view on NZ politics"
Jordan Carter : Left - Labour : Auckland/Wellington
Principessa : Left - Labour? : NZ
Tony Milne : Left - Labour : NZ
Dolan : Left - Labour? : NZ
Jeremy Greenbrook-Held : Left - Labour? : NZ
nz17,813 * 2,812,253 : c.45 (est.-no stats) + 7 + 1 + 3 = 56 (-24)
[70,71,68,55,49,42,43,53,53,45,48,31,23,15,20,14,17,15,12] [80,78,92,116,126,145,123,107,124,136,129,261,304,301,328,365,369,374,349]
#98 (-9) WebWeaver's World : www.webweaversworld.blogspot.com
05/2006+ "environmental activism/green politics"
Webweaver : Left - Green : Wellington
nz? * 2,379,897 : 50 (sitemeter) + 3 + 1 + 2 = 56 (-4)
[89,88,96,86,85,78,61,63,39,46,38,72,67,61,60,32,36,31,40] [60,62,62,66,72,70,86,82,175,136,164,97,93,101,105,281,247,260,129] Last post 21/08/2009
#99 (new) Bat, Bean, Beam : www.bat-bean-beam.blogspot.com
09/2008+ "Memory and technology/independent researcher"
Giovanni Tiso : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 14,631,137 : c.10 + 9 + 1 + 35 = 55 (-)
[new] [new]
#100 (new) Theology Geek NZ : www.theology.geek.nz
01/2009+ "Theology community for NZ"
Geoff Gummer : ? - Christian : Christchurch
Matt Flanagan : Right - Christian : NZ
Madaleine Flanagan : Right - Christian : NZ
bethyada : ? - Christian : NZ
nz? * 3,787,027 : c.35 + 4 + 15 + nil = 54 (-)
[new] [new]
Truth Seeker : www.truthseekernz.blogspot.com
03/2008+ "What perspectives are closest to the objective truth?/ex-corrections officer"
Steve Withers : Other - ? : Auckland
nz? * 3,083,347 : c.45 + est.5 + 1 + 2 = 53 (-10)
[100+,87,82,73,71,68,73,100+,93,100+,90,84,71,59,65,100+,new] ! [63,67,83,84,87,75,46,58,56,60,62,97,109,98,37,new]
Alf Grumble : www.alfgrumblemp.wordpress.com
12/2008+ "Long-serving and much-admired Member for Eketahuna North"
Alf Grumble : Right - ? : NZ
nz? * 3,304,652 : c.40 + ? + 10 + 2 = 52 (-13)
[100+,81,83,97,89,71,81,100+,new] ! [65,65,60,64,82,67,50,new]
Born on State Highway One : www.statehighwayone.com
10/2006+ : 01/2009+(@wordpress) "Ramblings of a champagne anarchist"
Ryan Sproull : ? - ? : Auckland
Nick Withers : ? - ? : Auckland
Richard Bol : ? - ? : NZ
Tama Boyle : ? - ? : NZ
nz16,467 * 3,998,325 : c.40 + 3 + 6 + 3 = 52 (+25)
[100+,89,80,83,99,89,89,95,80,80,84,100+] [27,19,12,12,12,12,16,52,68,71,62,55,62,58,59,66,71,56,31]
Media Law Journal : www.medialawjournal.co.nz
11/2007+ : "about media law and ethics in New Zealand"
Steven Price : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 4,073,697 : c.35 + 12 + 1 + 3 = 51 (-12)
[100+,88,93,95,90,82,82,86,83,79,64,60,60,56,58,54,66,62,74,100+] [63,58,64,63,73,67,62,64,74,84,96,123,118,105,134,93,95,73,16] Last post: 20/08/2009
Object Dart : www.objectdart.wordpress.com
03/2007+ "message on the airwaves"
Che Tibby : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * 4,253,042 : c.35 + 10 + 1 + 5 = 51 (-6)
[100+,96,97,83,82,74,69,63,61,66,63,62,64,55,51,53,54,56,52,new] [57,55,73,72,80,78,84,86,96,90,91,110,123,128,142,121,114,111,new]
Whenua Fenua Enua Vanua : www.uriohau.blogspot.com
03/2007+ "Revolutionary anti-colonialism & anti-capitalism in the Pacific"
Ana : Left - ? : Australia
nz? * 3,843,461 : c.40 + est.5 + 2 + 3 = 50 (-1)
[100+,new] [51,44,41,37,40,42,39,new]
Right to Life New Zealand : www.righttolife.org.nz
04/2005+ "Upholding the sanctity of life in NZ/anti-abortion"
Right to life : Right - Christian : Christchurch
nz? * 3,454,241 : c.40 + 7 + 1 + nil = 48 (-)
[100+,new] [new]
NZBC : www.nzbc.net.nz
06/2005+ "To inform and entertain New Zealand with unique, quality programming"
Stephen Stratford : ? - ? : NZ
Rob O'Neill : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 3,916,265 : c.35 + 11 + 1 + nil = 47 (-18)
[100+,82,90,100,100+,92,68,67,new] ! [65,59,56,48,37,43,54,73,94,new] Last post 13/08/2009
Samuel Dennis : www.sjdennis.wordpress.com
08/2008+ "Family Party candidate for Selwyn/Lincoln PhD student"
Samuel Dennis : Right - Christian/Family Party : Canterbury
nz25,344 * 3,295,587 : 35 (Sitemeter) + 12 + 1 + nil = 48 (+6)
[100+,79,86,93,66,88,88,100+,62,79,80,new] [42,70,70,62,89,62,58,34,101,72,65,new] Last post: 16/08/2009
Bill English : www.billenglish.co.nz
12/2006+ "National Party Deputy Leader, MP Clutha/Southland"
Bill English : Right - National : Wellington/Southland
nz? * 3,916,706 : c.35 + 8 + 3 + 2 = 48 (+5)
[100+,93,84,57,59,65,68,99] [43,43,19,18,18,32,37,43,47,45,39,53,57,67,124,108,92,79,32] Website unresponsive: 09/2009
Robyn's Secret Passage : www.robyngallagher.com
06/1996+ "The coolness that is Robyn"
Robyn Gallagher : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 3,993,245 : c.35 + 10 + 1 + 2 = 48 (+7)
[100+,72,67,61,91,100+,94,new] [41,41,41,47,47,42,33,27,28,39,27,54,86,93,103,56,33,45,new]
Ideologically Impure : www.ideologicallyimpure.wordpress.com
04/2008+ "that’s all you’re getting"
Queen of Thorns : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 4,284,770 : c.35 + 6 + 1 + 6 = 48 (-9)
[100+,95,100+,90,78,86,95,98,78,93,100+,99,98,100+,new] [57,53,69,74,72,55,52,68,62,48,52,55,36,new]
Café Pacific : www.cafepacific.blogspot.com
07/2007+ "Pacific media uncensored/Assoc. Professor Communication Studies AUT"
David Robie : Other - ? : Auckland
nz? * 5,878,663 : c.25 + 18 + 2 + 3 = 48 (+2)
[100+,97,100+,new] [46,50,53,52,51,54,48,32,29,20,23,20,21,21,29,new]
Star Studded Super Step : www.starstuddedsuperstep.com
03/2006+ "Everything's gonna be OK"
Andy Moore : Right - Act/Christian : Christchurch
nz16,076 * 3,165,204 : c.40 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 47 (-11)
[100+,92,100,94,80,91,90,93,100+,new] [58,53,65,73,67,58,54,44,new]
Imperator Fish : www.imperatorfish.blogspot.com
04/2009+ "Media, politics, law and big fish"
Scott Yorke : Other - ? : Auckland
nz? * 5,327,150 : c.30 + ? + 13 + 3 = 46 (-2)
[100+,new] ! [48,49,47,new]
All Embracing But Underwhelming : www.all-embracing.episto.org
04/2003+ "Philosophy On, About and Around Conspiracy Theories"
Matthew Dentith : Other - ? : Auckland
nz? * 4,617,837 : c.30 + 8 + 2 + 5 = 45 (-5)
[100+,new] [50,52,47,29,29,28,25,45,new]
Act on Campus : www.actoncampus.org.nz/blog
12/2007+ "Youth branch of the Act party"
Rick Giles : Right - Act : Christchurch
Andrew Falloon : Right - Act : Wellington
Peter McCaffrey : Right - Act : Wellington
Michael Earley : Right - Act : NZ
Sam Bonner : Right - Act : NZ
nz? * 3,143,798 : c.40 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 44 (+15)
[100+,94,87,97,99,66,55,new] [29,33,36,35,33,32,30,31,26,57,60,55,53,93,127,new]
Gavin Knight.com : www.gavinknight.com/blog
01/2007+ "christianity/family/politics/technology"
Gavin Knight : Right - Christian/Salvation Army : Wellington
nz? * 3,678,327 : c.30 (verified05/2009:30) + 11 + 2 + 1 = 44 (+3)
[100+,100,100+,95,91,87,79,76,65,68,76,73,new] [41,44,45,55,45,44,40,33,53,56,55,66,72,77,99,92,75,73,new]
Grant Robertson | Wellington Central : www.grantrobertson.co.nz
07/2007+ "Labour party MP for Wellington Central"
Grant Robertson : Left - Labour : Wellington
nz? * 6,413,401 : c.25 + 15 + 3 + 1 = 44 (+7)
[100+,96,99,72,70,67,73,63,74,67,100+,90] [37,41,37,35,36,36,30,56,58,75,74,106,84,99,82,92,39,36,36]
Against the current : www.nzagainstthecurrent.blogspot.com
04/2007+ "News, views, reviews"
Steven Cowan : Left - ? : Christchurch
nz? * 5,161,201 : c.30 + 7 + 4 + 2 = 43 (-12)
[100+,100,89,88,85,95,92,84,86,100+] ! [55,60,69,67,61,56,63,62,54,25,25,44,21,21,24,25,17,19,13]
Maori Party : www.maoriparty.org
0?/2007+ "Maori party MPs"
Tariana Turia : Left - Maori : Wellington/Whanganui
Pita Sharples : Other - Maori : Wellington/Tamaki Makaurau
Hone Harawira : Left - Maori : Wellington/Tai Tokerau
Te Ururoa Flavell : Other - Maori : Wellington/Waiariki
Rahui Reid Katene : Other - Maori : Wellington/Tai Tonga
nz34,477 * 4,460,588 : c.35 + ? + 8 + nil = 43 (+5)
[100+,88,84,81,75,78,95,94,84,78,74,50,24] [38,43,43,33,33,30,25,60,70,70,70,80,55,55,70,70,77,114,226]
goNZo Freakpower Brains Trust : www.gonzofreakpower.blogspot.com
10/2004+ "Who controls the control freaks?"
Will de Cleene : Other - ? : Wellington
nz30,124 * 4,336,799 : 25 (Sitemeter) + 9 + 5 + 3 = 42 (-2)
[100+,99,92,84,88,70,91,89,83,87,96,100+,64,72,69,56,82,88,57] ! [44,53,68,68,70,76,54,59,71,65,53,53,99,88,88,114,69,50,82]
Karl du Fresne : www.karldufresne.blogspot.com
05/2008+ "Journalist"
Karl du Fresne : Right - ? : NZ
nz31,239 * 5,367,778 : c.30 + est.5 + 4 + 3 = 42 (+4)
[100+,85,74,63,75,100+,new] [38,41,46,45,53,49,42,26,27,51,60,90,100,80,19,new]
Luddite Journo : www.ludditejourno.wordpress.com
07/2008+ "Student journo ramblings in Aotearoa/New Zealand"
Sandra Dickson : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * 4,938,540 : c.30 + 6 + 3 + 3 = 42 (-8)
[100+,87,95,100,100+,76,90,91,new] [50,42,70,61,54,45,50,68,66,58,44,new]
Anarchia : www.anarchia.wordpress.com
10/2004+ "An excess of the passion for liberty"
Asher Goldman : Left - Anarchist : Christchurch
nz? * 7,272,452 : 35 (Sitemeter) + 5 + nil + nil = 40 (-18)
[100+,93,87,91,92,94,100+,100,100+,85,79,76,86,96,72,57,79,72,44] [58,63,69,63,62,47,52,46,49,67,67,84,64,53,84,113,72,74,121]
Stargazer : www.kiwistargazer.blogspot.com
02/2008+ "mother, accountant, political activist, feminist, Indian Muslim"
Anjum Rahman : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 8,978,353 : c.15 + 18 + 4 + 3 = 40 (+1)
[100+,94,99,100+,new] [39,45,47,51,48,55,52,30,40,27,33,38,40,40,43,new]
Blessed Economist : www.getrad2.blogspot.com
03/2005+ "Blessed to be an economist and theologian"
RonMcK : ? - Christian : Christchurch
nz? * 15,228,587 : 25 (Sitemeter) + 7 + 7 + 1 = 40 (-4)
[100+,97,93,85,82,100+,new] [44,48,50,60,63,66,65,30,new]
Ellis in Wellyland : www.ellisnz.com/index.html
01/2005+ "He OD's on Parliament"
Michael Ellis : Right - National : Wellington
nz * 5,143,501 : c.30 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 39 (-10)
[100+,85,86,100+,48] [49,49,48,38,38,38,30,35,33,29,32,37,48,48,48,63,67,24,111]
Skinny : www.skinny.co.nz
09/2001+ "Get the skinny from Skinny/web designer"
Skinny La Veal/Alan Doak : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 4,342,520 : c.30 + 5 + 1 + 2 = 38 (-12)
[100+,97,100+,73,74,70,100+,new] [50,50,48,41,39,50,52,41,42,42,43,94,82,91,55,new]
Consumist : www.consumeist.wordpress.com
04/2008+ "politics, consumerism & the class struggle for a wider screen TV"
Consumist : Right - Libertarian? : NZ
nz? * 4,607,680 : c.30 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 37 (-4)
[100+,89,69,66,68,new] ! [41,45,55,47,37,40,34,44,56,62,77,108,88,new]
Save the humans : www.savethehumans.typepad.com
03/2008+ "The effort to save humans from themselves"
Save the humans : Right - ? : Christchurch
nz? * 5,714,384 : c.25 + 11 + 1 + nil = 37 (-5)
[100+,93,100+,new] [42,43,43,41,44,41,28,47,55,57,42,43,42,new]
theSection59blog : www.section59.blogspot.com
09/2006+ "Anti-smacking law"
Andy Moore : Right - Christian : Christchurch
Simeon : Right - ? : Auckland
Jono McGarvey : Right - Christian : NZ
Dad4Justice/Peter Burns : Right - ? : Christchurch
Jonathan Willis : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 6,147,203 : c.25 (sitemeter04/2009:6) + 7 + 1 + 3 = 36 (-3)
[100+,93,85,96] [39,42,21,17,22,12,17,17,20,23,24,26,30,30,36,31,52,54,34]
lefthandpalm : www.lefthandpalm.blogspot.com
02/2007+ "vague half ideas of a leftie-lib"
lurgee : Left - ? : Palmerston North
nz30,494 * 7,982,744 : c.20 + 4 + 8 + 3 = 35 (+3)
[100+,86,83,100+,100,100+] ! [32,22,39,44,39,47,47,28,28,48,60,72,35,35,26,28,40,31,26]
Joe Hendren : www.joehendren.blogspot.com
05/2004+ "Peace Researcher"
Joe Hendren : Left - Alliance : Auckland
nz? * 9,996,235 : 25 (sitemeter) + 8 + 1 + 1 = 35 (-4)
[100+,98,100+,92,89,75] ! [39,32,48,51,55,48,51,51,51,45,43,32,42,42,40,40,54.5,49,52.5]
Courage to Tremble : www.couragetotremble.wordpress.com
04/2007+ "Lord grant me courage to tremble at Your word"
Nahomi : ? - Christian : Auckland
nz? * 4,262,021 : c.30 + 3 + 1 + 1 = 35 (-2)
[100+,new] [37,43,36,45,47,34,new]
Prog Blog: www.prog-blog.blogspot.com
05/2008+ "An unofficial blog by Jim Anderton's Progressives"
Prog Blog : Left - Progressive : NZ
nz? * 4,159,290 : c.30 + 4 + nil + nil = 34 (-13)
[100+,new] [47,41,26,22,24,22,30,35,42,39,43,32,27,27,17,new] Last post 15/07/2009
Spleen : www.vital.org.nz
07/2003+ "I program computers for a living, and make music"
Stephen Judd : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 4,569,894 : c.30 + ? + 1 + 3 = 34 (-1)
[100+,99,95,100+,89,100+,94,99,75,63,84,82,78] [35,35,40,46,47,52,53,39,46,51,56,53,56,53,82,101,68,58,50]
BioBlog : www.sci.waikato.ac.nz/bioblog
08/2007+ "Encouraging critical thinking, looking at science"
Alison Campbell : Other - ? : Waikato
nz277 * 53,105 : c.20 (<1% of main site) + 2 + 7 + 3 = 32 (-1)
[100+,new] [33,33,33,33,32,31,new]
Micky's Muses : www.mickysmuses.blogspot.com
09/2008+ "scientific uncertainty still surrounding the global warming issue"
Ayrdale : Right - ? : Mount Maunganui
nz? * 7,014,151 : c.20 + nil + 4 + 6 = 30 (-8)
[100+,new] [38,37,36,35,36,47,45,41,39,26,new]
United Future | blog : www.unitedfuture.org.nz/default,20,blog.sm
07/2007+ : "When Peter Dunne talks, people listen/United Future party"
Peter's Position : Peter Dunne : Other - United Future : Wellington
Hey Jude : Judy Turner : Other - United Future : Wellington
nz? * 4,455,332 : c.25 (80% of main page) + ? + 1 + 3 = 28 (+1)
[100+,96,95,96,100+,60,56,100+] [27,22,26,26,26,28,22,52,52,54,53,55,42,42,49,43,102,102,12]
Neil Stockley : www.neilstockley.blogspot.com
01/2008+ "public affairs consultant, ex-NZ Labour Party, ex-Lib Dem policy director"
Neil Stockley : Other - Lib-Dem : London, UK
nz? * 13,101,389 : 20 (extremetracking) + 6 + 1 + 1 = 28 (-32)
[100+,90,96,100+,88,88,74,100+,new] [60,56,41,33,35,31,42,53,69,63,71,52,42,42,47,new]
Opinionated Mummy : www.opinionatedmummy.blogspot.com
08/2009+ "Passive-libertarian, opinionated mother: The Libertarimum"
Opinionated Mummy : Right - Libertarian : NZ
nz19,353 * 7,807,770 : c.20 + ? + 5 + 2 = 27 (-)
[new] [new]
Janet Wilson : www.janetwilson.co.nz
07/2009+ "Bespoke Media Training/Deadline Ltd."
Janet Wilson : ? - ? : NZ
Bill Ralston : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 6,412,043 : c.25 + ? + 1 + 1 = 27 (-)
[new] [new]
Put up thy Sword! : www.matthew5-9.blogspot.com
07/2006+ "Matthew 5:9"
A J Chesswas : Right - Christian : Taranaki
nz12,012 * 3,961,630 : 20 (sitemeter) + 5 + 1 + nil = 26 (-11)
[100+,98,100+,87,92,100+,82,88,87,92] [37,43,43,49,47,51,43,43,58,42,42,52,63,57,52,65,63,53,35]
Emeth Aletheia : www.emethaletheia.blogspot.com
03/2005+ "A place to share the truth of Scripture and how it relates to real life"
Joseph Fleener : ? - Christian : Hastings, Hawkes Bay
nz? * 7,753,183 : 20 (Bravenet) + 2 + 4 + nil = 26 (-2)
[100+,new] [28,26,30,new]
Blair's Brain - Canvassing for Opinion : www.mildgreens.blogspot.com
09/2004+ "mild greens/NORML"
Blair Anderson : ? - Libertarian : Christchurch
nz? * 3,095,357 : 15 (sitemeter)+ 7 + 2 + 1 = 25 (-15)
[100+,91,100+,87,100,100+,84,88,97,91,71,54,61,55] [40,35,44,39,46,58,49,46,69,53,50,68,63,53,62,86,119,89,87] Website: deleted/not found 09/2009
NZ Conservative : www.newzealandconservative.blogspot.com
03/2006+ "Unfashionable, politically incorrect commentary"
Michael Courtman : Right - Conservative : NZ
Mark Amagi : Right - Conservative : ?
nz? * 8,427,156 : c.15 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 24 (-6)
[100+,94,100,81] ! [30,30,25,30,32,36,38,26,23,24,23,28,30,30,44,39,50,43,46]
Grim Planet : www.grim-planet.com
02/2007+ "Discourse, it’s all about the discourse/Australian expat freelance journalist"
Greg McNevin : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 6,267,024 : c.20 + 3 + 1 + nil = 24 (-9)
[100+,99,100+,new] [33,34,34,33,34,43,47,54,55,37,15,15,34,34,23,new]
Craig Foss MP/Backing the Bay : www.craigfossmp.blogspot.com
06/2007+ "National party MP for Tukituki"
Craig Foss : Right - National : Napier
nz? * 8,650,786 : c.15 + 9 + nil + nil = 24 (+3)
[100+,98,57,45,40,33,31,81,64,60] [21,26,19,19,20,25,27,32,40,42,53,130,177,202,276,281,70,83,72]
Blogging it real : www.bloggingitreal.blogspot.com
02/2004+ "Meet the Warriors"
Bennyasena : ? - ? : NZ
DC_Red : ? - ? : NZ
Yamis : ? - ? : NZ
Bobert : ? - ? : ?
Chuck Z : ? - ? : ?
nz? * 8,915,295 : c.15 + 3 + 2 + 4 = 24 (-7)
[100+,93,100+,88] [31,31,27,12,12,23,27,19,21,18,18,16,27,27,54,55,32,34,37]
Kiwi back in Sydney!: www.barvasfiend.blogspot.com
04/2005+ "Science, engineering, art, cultural politics"
barvasfiend : Left - ? : NZ/Australia
nz? * 8,409,887 : c.15 (verified10/2008c.25) + 3 + 2 + 3 = 23 (+6)
[100+] ! [17,27,30,29,30,29,31,33,40,40,44,35,35,35,32,20,new]
Oliver Woods | Auckland Central candidate : www.aucklandcentral.blogspot.com
05/2008+ "Auckland Central candidate for Residents Action Movement (RAM)"
Oliver Woods : Left - RAM : Auckland
nz? * 14,655,438 : c.10 + 13 + nil + nil = 23 (-)
[100+,new] ! [23,29,23,5,7,31,34,45,45,49,41,52,41,41,11,new] Last post: 14/06/2009
15 Lambton Quay : www.15lambtonquay.blogspot.com
11/2008+ "Notes on law, policy and government"
? : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 7,411,383 : c.20 + ? + 2 + nil = 22 (-1)
[100+,new] [23,23,10,22,21,6,new]
Hipkins Online : www.chrishipkins.org.nz/blog/
01/2008+ "Labour party MP for Rimutaka"
Chris Hipkins : Left - Labour : Wellington
nz? * 8,789,931 : c.20 + 1 + 1 + nil = 22 (-)
[100+,new] [22,12,12,11,11,12,12,12,16,27,27,31,23,23,23,new]
Silent Running : www.silentrunning.tv
09/2005+ "Anglosphere"
Rick Giles : Right - Act : NZ
Wind Rider : Right - ? : USA
Major Scarlet : Right - ? : USA
nz? * 9,546,076 : c.15 + 6 + 1 + nil = 22 (-34)
[99,95,84,74,67,63,59,55,58,55,51,52,44,38,26,30,16,18,21] [56,56,72,77,88,83,90,102,112,116,119,153,179,214,311,289,380,359,269]
Stanselen: www.katipo.net.nz/stanselen/
01/2007+ "(to sparkle and spark) Anarchy sister"
Jo : Left - Anarchist : Christchurch
nz? * 9,148,206 : c.15 + 4 + 1 + 1 = 21 (-2)
[100+] ! [23,23,24,24,22,21,21,25,23,21,24,25,21,21,31,36,23,22,new]
And Slaters Go Plop : www.damian.peterson.net.nz
03/2007+ "The Bloggery"
Damian Peterson : ? - Atheist : NZ
nz? * 9,955,056 : c.15 + 5 + 1 + nil = 21 (-)
[100+,80,new] [21,41,75,new]
Fighting Talk : www.fightingtalk.blogspot.com
03/2004+ "You were sick, but now you're well again"
Lyndon Hood : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 9,292,101 : c.10 + 6 + 1 + 3 = 20 (-)
[100+,98,99,100+,93] [20,19,24,21,23,23,25,21,21,22,19,20,22,22,42,50,41,35,35]
Opposable thumb : www.oppthumb.blogspot.com
03/2008+ "Wellington journalist"
Denis Welch : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * 10,606,828 : c.10 + est.3 + 5 + 2 = 20 (-9)
[100+,new] [29,19,26,17,20,28,30,29,21,19,17,46,44,44,20,new]
the gossip : www.finsec.wordpress.com
06/2006+ "Finsec union's unofficial weblog"
Finsec/Stephen : Left - Union : NZ
nz? * 14,777,770 : c.10 + 6 + 4 + nil = 20 (-7)
[100+,91,100+93,89,87,86,62] [27,29,30,38,40,39,39,28,30,49,48,61,37,37,60,57,64,53.5,63]
Wine enhanced metacognitions : www.wineenhancedmetacognitions.blogspot.com
06/2007+ "student"
mojo : Right - ? : NZ
nz? * 9,525,282 : c.15 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 19 (-)
[100+] [19,14,22,24,24,14,14,13,13,19,22,12,13,13,12,14,15,16,21]
Alliance New Zealand : www.alliance.org.nz/
11/2006+ "Alliance party of New Zealand"
Admin : Left - Alliance : NZ
nz? * 13,311,078 : c.10 + 7 + 1 + 1 = 19 (-12)
[100+,96,78,62,62,62,65,69,81,95,97,93,83,94,100+,64] [31,34,46,60,78,84,85,83,97,78,65,57,55,57,71,55,30,41,61]
The Fatal Paradox : www.fatalparadox.blogspot.com
04/2009+ "Socialist Democracy"
Fatal Paradox : Left - Socialist : Christchurch
nz? * ? : 12 (Sitemeter) + 4 + 1 + 2 = 19 (-7)
[100+,new] [26,22,22,new]
Michelle Boag : www.michelleboag.co.nz
06/2007+ "PR news and views from NZ's leading recruitment specialist"
Michelle Boag : Right - National : Waiheke
nz? * 8,037,275 : c.15 + 2 + 1 + nil = 18 (-15)
[100+,new] [33,32,31,new]
Scalia : www.scaliainnz.blogspot.com
03/2008+ "The simple things"
Scalia : Right - ? : Auckland
nz? * 9,333,198 : c.15 + 2 + 1 + nil = 18 (+1)
[100+,new] [17,18,13,17,16,8,new] Last post: 04/08/2009
Daktari's World : www.daktari123.blogspot.com
10/2004+ : "A place for me to talk rubbish/music"
Bob Daktari : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 24,892,409 : c.10 + ? + 7 + 1 = 18 (+1)
[100+,97,90,80,85,95,98,100,100+] [17,18,29,39,43,44,46,40,51,54,55,75,65,55,57,46,20,20,15]
Definitive : www.definitive.co.nz/blog/
04/2004+ "a way of moving beyond the infinite"
Stu McGregor : ? - Christian : Auckland
nz? * 14,167,323 : c.10 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 17 (-6)
[100+] ! [23,27,29,29,28,23,17,21,20,12,12,11,9,9,15,new]
Dread Times : www.rasnandor.blogspot.com
01/2009+ "Ras Nandor Tanczos reports from Aotearoa / New Zealand/ex-Green MP"
Nandor Tanczos : Left - Green : Waikato
nz? * 15,469,300 : c.10 + est.5 + 1 + 1 = 17 (-2)
[100+,new] ! [19,19,33,33,42,43,41,new]
Gman inc : www.gmaninc.blogspot.com
03/2005+ "Consult the Uber-Guru"
Greg "Gman" Edwards : Right - ? : Melbourne, Australia
Rick Giles : Right - Libertarian : Christchurch
political_valley/Liz Shaw : Right - Libertarian : Auckland/Sydney
nz? * 9,092,472 : c.15 + 2 + nil + nil = 17 (-7)
[100+,91,85,89,100+,53] [24,25,23,23,23,24,28,40,52,35,48,54,59,66,64,30,31,31,94] Last post: 05/07/2009
Si Quando Dubium, Illic Est Scilicet : www.stuartparker.wordpress.com
08/2006+ "When there is doubt, there is no doubt"
Stuart Parker : Right - ? : Auckland
nz? * 9,537,910 : c.15 + 2 + nil + nil = 17 (-)
[100+,98,new] [17,18,14,11,11,21,26,22,23,27,32,46,31,31,18,22,19,44,new] Last post: 12/06/2009
Still Truckin' : www.stilltruckin.wordpress.com
03/2008+ "Left Libertarian/A dude talking about guys and the feminisms"
Ari : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * 14,777,754 : c.10 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 17 (-12)
[100+,94,100+,new] [29,57,41,19,20,20,20,22,22,new] Last post 19/08/2009
Nevermind: www.nevermind.co.nz
02/2008+ "Politics, Technology, TechTidBits"
Chris : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 11,890,655 : c.10 + 6 + nil + nil = 16 (-11)
[100+] ! [27,22,21,20,19,30,32,41,39,33,38,36,48,48,27,34,29,new] Last post: 08/07/2009
The Clunking Fist : www.clunking-fist.blogspot.com
01/2008+ "subscribe to my vision... as soon as I see it"
Clunking Fist : Right - Conservative? : London, UK
nz? * 9,460,535 : c.15 + ? + 1 + nil = 16 (-)
[100+,82,78,82,100+,new] [16,18,21,30,35,40,37,27,28,42,47,73,72,70,52,new]
Fickle Cycle : www.ficklecycle.wordpress.com
11/2008+ "All eyes open at home and abroad"
Tim S : Left - ? : Christchuch
nz? * 24,926,160 : c.10 (verified04/2009:15) + 4 + 1 + nil = 15 (+1)
[100+,new] ! [14,14,14,23,25,new] Last post: 12/08/2009
The Opinionated Diner : www.opdiner.blogspot.com
09/2004+ "Music, Politics, Food and anything else"
Simon : Other - ? : NZ?
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + 3 + 7 = 15 (+6)
[100+,97,100+,94,90,62,86,87,new] ! [9,11,12,8,10,16,21,54,53,42,42,60,63,67,new]
Dr Michael Bassett : www.michaelbassett.co.nz/articleview.php
12/2001+ "Political historian/former Labour Minister 1984-90"
Dr Michael Bassett : Right - ? : NZ
nz? * 9,459,042 : c.15 + ? + nil + nil = 15 (-5)
[100+,99,97,77,100+,64,64,100+,77] [20,20,40,46,46,20,10,31,31,53,53,83,17,17,100,101,10.5,50.5] last post 24/04/2009
Pareidoliac : www.pareidoliac.blogspot.com
03/2008+ "Nothing is, everything is becoming"
Pareidoliac : ? - ? : London, UK
nz? * 11,554,020 : c.10 + 2 + 2 + 1 = 15 (-3)
[100+,new] [18,22,28,new]
The Tomohawk Kid : www.the-tomahawk-kid.blogspot.com
04/2006+ "Graphic Designer/Musician"
Graham Clark : Right - Libertarian : Tauranga
nz? * 16,993,911 : c.10 + 4 + 1 + nil = 15 (+1)
[100+] [14,14,14,11,11,15,15,13,13,13,14,14,15,15,25,29,28,42,21] Last post: 08/04/2009
Comparablog : www.comparablog.wordpress.com
07/2009+ "New Zealand Politics from a Comparative Perspective"
Comparablog : ? - ? : NZ?
nz? * 24,458,137 : c.10 + ? + 2 + 3 = 15 (-)
[new] [new]
Brendon Burns : www.brendonburns.co.nz
02/2008+ "Labour party MP for Christchurch Central"
Brendon Burns : Left - Labour : Christchurch
nz? * 24,892,126 : c.10 + 4 + 1 + nil = 15 (-1)
[100+,new] [16,16,15,12,12,12,9,16,15,15,15,14,12,12,21,new]
NZ Media and Other Stuff : www.nzmediaandotherstuff.blogspot.com
05/2007+ "There's stuff, and then there's stuff, and then there's this"
Paul McBeth : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * 13,645,499 : c.10 + 4 + nil + nil = 14 (-)
[100+,new] ! [14,15,15,26,24,41,40,22,new]
Distractions: www.chrisbourke.blogspot.com
01/2008+ "Magpie Culture from the Deeper South"
Chris Bourke : Other - ? : NZ
nz? * 11,907,839 : c.10 + 3 + 1 + nil = 14 (-11)
[100+,99,100+,new] [25,22,24,29,28,29,32,20,24,26,28,35,35,54,48,14,new]
NZ Right Wing Leftie : www.nzrightwingleftie.blogspot.com
12/2007+ "Socially liberal, economically conservative, freedom loving"
Richard Hurst : Right - ? : Christchurch
nz? * 13,663,756 : c.10 + 2 + 1 + nil = 13 (-2)
[100+] ! [15,14,14,15,14,12,21,26,21,17,19,16,16,16,16,24,new]
The Bull Pen : www.thebullpen.co.nz
09/2007+ "Kicking up dust in rural New Zealand/Country Channel (SKY 99)"
Philippa Stevenson : ? - ? : NZ
Clive Dalton : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 9,258,034 : c.10 + 3 + nil + nil = 13 (-2)
[100+,new] [15,25,20,13,11,11,12,13,9,new] Last post: 23/07/2009
Farmgirl : www.farmgirllive.blogspot.com
02/2009+ "A forum on all things agricultural and political"
Nadine Porter : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 11,911,397 : c.10 + ? + 1 + 2 = 13 (-8)
[100+,new] [21,11,16,25,29,15,new] Last post: 03/09/2009
Rob Good in LA : www.puntiki.blogspot.com
02/2005+ "Puntiki"
Rob Good : Right - Act : Los Angeles, USA
nz? * 13,574,879 : c.10 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 13 (-2)
[100+] [15,13,20,14,14,15,19,25,21,31,22,19,18,18,22,23,21,19,19]
Ms Maori : www.msmaori.blogspot.com
07/2009+ "Journalist/TV producer"
Claudette Hauiti : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 18,252,319 : c.10 + ? + 3 + nil = 13 (-)
[new] [new]
The Libertarian Front : www.libfront.blogspot.com
12/2006+ "New Zealand's Youngest Libertarian"
Callum McPetrie : Right - Libertarian : Wellington
nz? * 23,607,174 : c.10 + ? + 1 + 2 = 13 (+4)
[100+,94,97,100+] [9,7,7,12,14,20,27,32,32,32,21,22,20,20,59,50,26,32,17]
Righto Chaps : www.rightochaps.blogspot.com
06/2008+ "Organically wholesome rightwingsenses"
Rightochaps : Right - ? : Auckland
nz? * 24,894,132 : c.10 (Sitemeter -defunct 10/2008) + ? + 2 + 1 = 13 (+2)
[100+,new] [11,13,12,12,11,13,19,22,13,16,29,27,new]
John Minto : www.johnminto.org.nz
01/2006+ "Columns I’ve written for the Christchurch Press"
John Minto : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 14,222,606 : c.10 + 2 + 1 + nil = 13 (-1)
[100+,new] [14,19,41,35,35,22,22,13,new]
Lolly Scramble : www.lollyscramble.wordpress.com
12/2004+ "A Libertarian Miscellany"
Eric Olthwaite : Right - Libertarian : Auckland
nz? * 15,507,498 : c.10 + 2 + nil + nil = 12 (-2)
[100+,new] ! [14,14,15,16,17,20,29,16,new] Last post: 19/07/2009
Adding noughts : www.addingnoughts.blogspot.com
06/2008+ "Theoretical physicist with an unhealthy procrastination habit."
Andrew D : ? - ? : Brisbane, Australia
nz? * 24,908,259 : c.10 + ? + 1 + 1 = 12 (-6)
[100+,62,70,new] ! [18,23,23,13,10,13,12,14,14,34,48,116,86,new] Last post: 02/08/2009
Waitakere News : www.waitakerenews.blogspot.com
03/2008+ "Waitakere's alternative Voice"
Micky Savage : Left - ? : Auckland
nz? * 24,539,324 : c.10 + ? + 1 + 1 = 12 (+2)
[100+,new] [10,13,11,new]
Sus's Sound-Bites : www.libertarianz.org.nz/soundbites
0?/200?+ "Libertarianz Party/The wit and wisdom of Susan the Libertarian"
Susan : Right - Libertarian : NZ
nz13,450 * 4,010,035 : c.10 (20% of main site) + ? + 2 + nil = 12 (+1)
[100+] [11,16,16,16,16,16,16,21,23,8,8,8,8,8,13,13,12,10.5,14]
Muzzerino : www.muzzerino.blogspot.com
08/2008+ "A Scottish Expatriate Blog on Politics, Military, Current Affairs"
Muzzerino : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * ? : c.5 + 7 + nil + nil = 12 (-9)
[100+,67,65,87,100+,94,78,76,new] [21,42,92,90,71,42,43,51,62,74,70,new] Last post: 29/06/2009
NX-Files : www.nx-files.blogspot.com
09/2008+ "Politics, current events"
NX : Other - ? : Bay of Plenty
nz? * ? : c.10 + 1 + 1 + nil = 12 (-)
[100+,new] [12,13,12,8,8,8,8,14,14,14,new]
Christian Conservative : www.exlabour.blogspot.com
05/2008+ "A one woman blog - New Rightie, having given up on the wavering Left"
Tanya : Right - Christian Conservative : Auckland
nz? * 10,511,671 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-)
[100+new] [11,11,11,10,11,12,11,11,11,13,new]
Pete's kiwi forum : www.peteskiwiforum.blogspot.com/
01/2007+ : "Reside in Lower Hutt, Wellington"
Kiwi Riverman : Left - ? : Wellington
nz? * 18,215,985 : c.10 + nil + 1 + nil = 11 (-)
[100+] [11,12,12,6,6,6,6,6,7,11,12,12,11,11,11,12,10.5,11,11]
Comme il Faut : www.petertashkoff.blogspot.com
07/2008+ "In the era of spin, it's important to have your own ball"
Peter Tashkoff : Right - Act : Auckland
nz? * 18,329,274 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-2)
[100+,new] [13,11,11,6,6,7,5,5,10,12,22,23,new]
The Irascible Curmudgeon : www.theirasciblecurmudgeon.blogspot.com
04/2008+ "News at a deeper level"
Curmudgeon : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 18,396,413 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-)
[100+,new] [11,13,11,11,11,11,10,11,13,new]
Rob's Blockhead Blog : www.hosking.blogspot.com
08/2005+ "Freelance journalist, specialising in economics"
Rob Hosking : Right - ? : Wellington
nz? * 18,442,976 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-)
[100+,88,100,100,66,100+] [11,14,21,19,19,14,13,24,24,35,35,64,53,49,95,43,13,13,11]
Over the Fence : www.hondavidcarter.blogspot.com
01/2009+ "Minister for Agriculture/Biosecurity/Forestry, National Party list MP"
David Carter : Right - National : North Canterbury/Wellington
nz? * 24,893,039 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-5)
[100+,new] [16,16,16,11,12,11,new]
Loco Burro Politics - NZ : www.locoburropolitics.wordpress.com
04/2009+ "Life in NZ and an inquisitive approach to politics"
Loco Burro : Other - ? : Dunedin
nz? * 24,893,419 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-3)
[100+,new] [14,11,32,38,new] Last post: 11/08/2009
Mr. Public's Organ of Electric Intercourse : www.lollaparoozer.blogspot.com
03/2009+ "Channeling the anger"
John Q Public : Right - ? : Auckland
nz? * 24,893,423 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-)
[100+,new] [11,11,11,17,14,new]
Journalista : www.journalista.co.nz
02/2009+ "25 years as a TV and radio news reporter, producer and editor"
John Spavin : ? - ? : Wellington
nz? * 25,382,427 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (-5)
[100+,new] [16,18,11,new]
Watchblog : www.watchblogaotearoa.blogspot.com
04/2008+ "The online tool for the Campaign Against Foreign Control of Aotearoa"
CAFCA : Left - CAFCA : Christchurch
nz? * 17,921,486 : c.10 + ? + nil + nil = 10 (-1)
[100+,new] [11,15,11,8,5,5,7,10,16,new] Last post: 29/06/2009
Reporter Girl : www.kiwireportergirl.blogspot.com
01/2009+ "A news/education reporter for a community papaer"
Reporter Girl : ? - ? : Auckland
nz? * 18,313,618 : c.10 + ? + nil + nil = 10 (-1)
[100+,new] [11,11,11,12,6,new] Last post: 28/07/2009
New Masses : www.newmasses.wordpress.com
12/2008+ "Dedicated to discussing left wing (democratic socialist) politics in New Zealand and internationally"
Quentin : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 22,985,240 : c.10 + ? + nil + nil = 10 (-)
[100+,new] [10,11,10,6,6,11,12,15,new] Last post: 15/06/2009
Watching Brief : www.watchingbrief.blogspot.com
09/2008+ "politics"
Watching brief : Right - ? : NZ
nz? * 24,894,831 : c.10 + nil + nil + nil = 10 (-1)
[100+,new] [11,11,11,12,13,13,12,12,13,14,new] Last post: 08/07/2009
SFWU National Secretary's Blog : www.natsecsfwu.wordpress.com
12/2008+ "Service & Food Workers' Union/Nga Ringa Tota"
John Ryall : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + 2 + 2 = 9 (-)
[new] [new]
Waitaki Blog : www.waitakiblog.blogspot.com
07/2009+ "Waitaki District Councillor"
Gary Kircher : ? - ? : Oamaru
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + 2 + 2 = 9 (-)
[new] [new]
The Voice Of Reason New Zealand : www.tvornz.spaces.live.com
08/2006+ "Setting the Record Straight"
James : ? - Christian : Wellington
nz? * ? : c.5 + nil + 1 + 2 = 8 (+1)
[100+] [7,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,9,11,7,10,9,9,9,13,16,14.5,17,16]
The Glob : www.conorjoe.wordpress.com
11/2008+ "Editing the Gisborne Herald"
Conor Joe : ? - ? : Gisborne
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + 1 + 1 = 7 (-)
[100+,new] [7,11,15,new]
Kia Ora : www.jahrangi.blogspot.com
12/2008+ "politics"
Rangi : Left - ? : Japan
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + 1 + nil = 6 (-2)
[100+,new] ! [8,8,7,new]
Here I Stand (Hier sta ik) : www.http://hierstaik.blogspot.com
04/2009+ "Ruminations on Christianity, computers, country life, and current events"
Here I Stand : ? - Christian : Whanganui
nz? * 16,490,019 : 5 (Sitemeter) + ? + 1 + nil = 6 (+1)
[100+,new] [5,7,6,11,new]
Proletblog : www.lossenelin.livejournal.com
03/2006+ " 'I am nothing and I should be everything' - Karl Marx"
Byron Clark : Left - Workers Party : Christchurch
nz? * ? : c.5 + nil + 1 + nil = 6 (-)
[100+,new] [6,6,7,6,8,8,7,6,7,new]
Wallisra's Weblog : www.wallisra.wordpress.com
07/2008+ "Alliance Party Wellington Central candidate"
Richard Wallis : Left - Alliance : Masterton
nz? * ? : c.5 + nil + 1 + nil = 6 (+1)
[100+,new] [5,10,10,11,11,5,5,5,6,new] Last post: 02/08/2009
Anarkaytie’s Weblog : www.anarkaytie.wordpress.com
08/2008+ "More Green campaigning"
anarkaytie : Left - Green : Wellington
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + 1 + nil = 6 (+1)
[100+,new] [5,6,6,new] Last post: 22/06/2009
Ken Graham MP : www.kengraham.blogspot.com
04/2004+ "Green MP"
Dr Kennedy Graham : Left - Green : Wellington/NZ
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + nil + nil = 5 (-)
[new] [new]
"!" between the squared brackets of the past ranking numbers denotes a blogroll link to Tumeke! and will be used to break a tied score; failing that the Alexa nz score will be used.
(df) Newzblog : www.newzblog.wordpress.com
12/2007+ "a fine blend of politics with a left twist"
Redbus : Left - Labour : NZ
illuminatedtiger : Left - ? : Christchurch
hcjs : Left - Labour : Masterton
Policy Parrot : Left - Labour : Christchurch
Robinsod : Left - ? : NZ
nz? * 11,409,038 : c.10 (est.-no stats) + 19 + nil + nil = (-)
[df,100+,70,64,60,57,54,36,29,37,23,20,19,19,new] ! [df,29,29,35,40,40,47,74,78,103,113,114,239,261,220,317,323,333,329,new]
REASON: Last post: 21/05/2009
(df) Contradiction : www.contradiction.wordpress.com
0?/200?+ "MPhil student at ANU: contradictions in capitalism"
Contradiction : Left - Socialist/Anarchist : Canberra, Australia
nz? * 18,174,436 : c.10 + 3 + nil + nil = (-)
[df,100+,88,100+,96,90,100+,83,83,73] [df,24,24,24,25,26,27,35,44,54,50,59,51,55,58,42,44,69,56,55]
REASON: Not public/Last post: 12/04/2009
(df) Concerned of Linwood : www.concernedoflinwood.wordpress.com
03/2007+ "the world of social and political commentary"
Paul Le Comte : Left - ? : Christchurch
nz? * 11,932,527 : c.10 + 5 + nil + nil = (-)
[df,100+,79,76,100+] [df,15,15,15,17,20,16,18,26,26,26,26,30,52,74,81,40,25,31,25]
REASON: Last post: 27/04/2009
(df) Douglas to Dancing : www.douglastodancing.blogspot.com
10/2007+ "Independent analysis and commentary on the ACT party"
Geoffrey Miller : Other - ? : NZ
nz? * 24,551,218 : c.10 + 5 + nil + nil = (-)
[df,100+,96,85,77,100+] [df,15,15,16,26,29,21,10,21,27,30,37,22,23,23,31,51,67,69,31]
REASON: Last post: 11/05/2009
(df) Maidennz : www.maidennz.wordpress.com
10/2007+ "news, views and muse"
maidennz :Right - ? : Hawkes Bay
nz? * 14,868,753 : c.10 + 2 + nil + nil = (-)
[df,100+,72,47,56] [df,12,12,13,5,6,8,8,14,13,14,13,15,18,18,15,17,80,135,85]
REASON: Last post: 28/05/2009
(df) Writeups : www.writeups.co.nz
02/2006+ "economics, politics and current affairs"
Writeups : Right - Libertarian : NZ
nz? * 10,109,756 : c.10 + 1 + nil + nil = (-6)
[df,100+] [df,11,17,17,17,15,13,18,16,23,33,33,31,16,16,24,21,19,17,15]
REASON: Last post: 11/05/2009
(df) Owld Grumbleton : www.grumbleton.com
03/2008+ "The secret diary of a grumpy old bastard"
Owld Grumbleton : Right - ? : UK
nz? * ? : c.5 + 1 + nil + nil = (-)
[df,100+,new] [df,11,11,12,8,7,7,6,6,7,7,13,13,13,13,26,new]
REASON: Last post: 07/05/2009
(df) Zackarate Island : www.zackarateisland.blogspot.com
03/2008+ "Green parliamentary list candidate/18 years old"
Zachary Dorner : Left - Green : Wellington
nz? * 14,056,883 : c.10 + ? + nil + nil = (-)
[df,100+,new] ! [df,10,10,10,12,12,11,7,11,12,13,7,8,9,new]
REASON: Last post 13/04/2009
(df) The Home Office : www.thenzhomeoffice.blogspot.com
03/2009+ "NZ internal affairs"
Xchequer : Other - ? : Canterbury
nz? * 24,894,602 : 5 (Sitemeter)+ ? + 1 + nil = (-)
[df,100+,new] ! [df,6,6,6,8,14,new]
REASON: Last post: 21/05/2009
Does not meet criteria
(dmc)The Optimus Prime Experiment : www.theoptimusprimeexperiment.com
11/2004+ "Jimmy Jangles"
Jimmy Jangles : Right - ? : Wellington
nz16,298 * 1,265,062 : c.220 (verified06/2009:250) + ? + 3 + 1 = 224 (-34)
[dmc,26,27,32,36,100+,95,100+,73,65,70,69,68,88,65,67,59,new] [dmc,258,258,232,202,53,31,38,56,55,75,87,97,87,92,65,99,88,94,new]
REASON: Content not public discourse/news/politics
Hi, would you kindly include my blog lost soul http://davidhillary.blogspot.com/ in your subsequent rankings.
Covers economics, banking, financial services, regulation, public policy
David Hillary
Thanks David - it will be in the September survey.
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