15 Lambton Quay : www.15lambtonquay.blogspot.com
11/2008+ "Notes on law, policy and government"
? : Other - ? : Wellington
nz? * ? : c.5 + ? + 1 + nil = 6 (new)
[new] [new]
Scalia : www.scaliainnz.blogspot.com
03/2008+ "The simple things"
Scalia : Right - ? : Auckland
nz? * 23,713,177 : c.5 + 2 + 1 + nil = 8 (new)
[new] [new]
Farmgirl : www.farmgirllive.blogspot.com
02/2009+ "A forum on all things agricultural and political"
Nadine Porter : ? - ? : NZ
nz? * 23,676,662 : c.5 + ? + 7 + 3 = 15 (new)
[new] [new]
Courage to Tremble : www.couragetotremble.wordpress.com
04/2007+ "Lord grant me courage to tremble at Your word"
Nahomi : ? - Christian : Auckland
nz? * 5,174,201 : c.25 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 34 (new)
[new] [new]
Over the Fence : www.hondavidcarter.blogspot.com
01/2009+ "Minister for Agriculture/Biosecurity/Forestry, National Party list MP"
David Carter : Right - National : North Canterbury/Wellington
nz? * 15,551,799 : c.10 + ? + 1 + nil = 11 (new)
[new] [new]
BioBlog : www.sci.waikato.ac.nz/bioblog
08/2007+ "Encouraging critical thinking, looking at science"
Alison Campbell : Other - ? : Waikato
nz176 * 53,045 : c.20 (<1% of main site) + 2 + 6 + 5 = 31 (new)
[new] [new]
Christian News New Zealand : www.christiannews.co.nz
0?/2008- "Mainline evangelical and conservative"
? : ? - Christian : NZ
nz10,543 * 2,467,310 : c.55 + 13 + 3 + 3 = 74 (new)
[new] [new]
: www.
0?/200?+ "politics"
: ? - ? : NZ
nz? * ? : c.? + ? + ? + ? = ? (new)
[new] [new]
For March:
The Home Office : www.thenzhomeoffice.blogspot.com
03/2009+ "NZ internal affairs"
Xchequer : Other - ? : Canterbury
nz? * ? : ? + ? + ? + ? = ? (new)
[new] [new]
Offsetting Behaviour : www.offsettingbehaviour.blogspot.com
03/2009+ "Economist, Canterbury University"
Eric Crampton : Other - ? : Christchurch
nz? * ? : c.? (Sitemeter) + ? + ? + ? = ? (new)
[new] [new]
Criteria to qualify for nz blogosphere list —
- min. one post per month (average).
- non-corporate (not necessarily non-commercial) blog whose author(s) are in control of their own content and participation in the blog.
- website with manual entries (not operating as an aggregator) displaying those posts in a reverse chronological order (not operating as an internet forum eg. with more discussion internal to the platform and its members than external/public interaction).
- blog is linked to by min. of one blog on list.
- some posts must represent the author's opinion/thoughts or public position on an issue (content cross-posted or published in other media, but posted in a blog authorised by the author, is acceptable).
- must be publicly accessible (eg. no mandatory sign-ins to view) and blog content - at least in part - must be made in order to communicate with a NZ audience (though not necessarily exclusively) on matters of public concern such as current affairs, social/political issues, and other subjects and themes with a public angle (personal, private, professional, trade, corporate, sectarian blogs etc. that are narrowly focused on internal debate, or are personal/family in content, are discounted). A comments function is not necessary.
- some posted content must relate to Aotearoa, or address some issues in a NZ context, in some direct way (discounting the author's nationality, residence/location).
I'm not sure if my blog meets your criteria... http://sci.waikato.ac.nz/bioblog
It's hosted on the University of Waikato site but I have complete control of content. Open to the public. Intended mainly for NZ students thinking of taking the Scholarship Biology exams but has gradually morphed into something rather wider than that.
Suggestion: http://fullerswatch.blogspot.com
Thank you both - will assess.
Looks at public, political and theological issues facing NZ Christians.
Oh, and my blog.
If you get the time to have a once over.
Please consider my other blogs:
Thinking Matters Auckland
Coping in a Technological World
Please consider my blog True Paradigm. Link: http://bethyada.blogspot.com/
Christian focus. Included are posts on policy (see "politics" label) and environmental concerns.
sustain:if:able kiwi
Blog for public discourse:
"Steve Taylor seeking a sustain-if-able spirituality with God/self/people/place/culture"
Content includes discussions on the credit crunch, U2's politics, media and social policy.
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