Please note the new formula used:
TRAFFIC (Average daily unique visits)
+ INCOMING LINKS (Technorati "Authority")
+ POSTS (Average posts per week, viz: Total posts for month ÷ number of days in month x 7.)
+ COMMENTS (Average highest commented post per week, viz: Total four posts with the most comments for the month ÷ 4. )

#12 | rank for the survey period
(-1) | change in rank from last survey period
Tumeke! : | Blog name and url
Second line:
04/2005+ | Start of blog
"current affairs and culture" | Blog tag-line, self-description
Third-sixth lines:
Tim Selwyn : Other - ? : Auckland
Martyn "Bomber" Bradbury : Left - ? : Auckland
Ben Thomas : Right - ? : Auckland
Phoebe Fletcher : Left - ? : Auckland
| Blog authors names : their general, conventional ideological position (Left, Right, Other, or ?) - their party political affiliation, specific ideological position and/or religion : their location
Seventh line:
nz990 * 462,901 : c.580 (extremetracking)
| New Zealand traffic rank * international traffic rank : average daily unique visitors ( link to blog's own publicly viewable traffic meter, or "verified" if editor has been emailed private stat counter image, or link to self-reported metrics if credible ) all other traffic stats are also "(est.-no stats)"
+ 68 + 35 + 35 = 718 (+19)
| + INCOMING LINKS (Technorati "Authority")
+ POSTS (Average posts per week, viz: Total posts for month ÷ number of days in month x 7.)
+ COMMENTS (Average highest commented post per week, viz: Total four posts with the most comments for the month ÷ 4. )
(score movement from last survey)
Last lines:
[11,10,10,10,11,12,10,12,7] [699,639,564,574,544,455,479,425,403]
| [ranks from previous surveys - left being last month] [scores from previous surveys - left being last month]
Old formula: (to 02/2008)

Rubbish free year by a chch couple
Just letting you know my party affiliation is no longer progressive.
I'll put "?" OK?
Hi really interested in your blog ranking system but was wondering how you select the blogs to be ranked? I do understand its just politics and news type ones but how do you find them?
artandmylife: Apart from people nominating blogs on this site it comes down to constant monitoring of the blogs at the top end of the list - if unlisted blogs are mentioned or linked to in their blog rolls then they will be added.
A couple of questions please:
1. How do you calculate the average daily visits from Alexa?
2. Do you actually use the Alexa ratings now (the first two stats before the colon.)
1. see FAQ: how do we calculate blog traffic? in the sidebar.
2. Yes - if no other information available.
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