Saturday, October 4, 2008

New Alexa traffic estimation

Old estimates (06/2008 - 08/2008):
Alexa (international not nz) ranking approximate average daily traffic equivalent:
No data=c.5.

Blogs with verified traffic data:
Alexa NZ ranking * Alexa international ranking : Average Daily Unique Visitors

Rank: traffic
nz388 * 236,208 : c.1750 - Standard
nz145 * 102,883 : c.1020 (sitemeter) - Whaleoil
nz432 * 313,532 : c.990 - No Minister
nz629 * 252,163 : c.980 (stats) - Not PC
nz484 * 319,721 : c.900 - Hive
nz1,846 * 713,730 : c.760 (sitemeter) - No Right Turn
nz1,040 * 530,649 : c.490 (extremetracking) - Tumeke!
nz1,335 * 699,537 : c.350 (sitemeter) - Keeping Stock
nz? * 892,088 : c.340 (stats provided) - Radical Cross Stitch
nz19,789 * 1,530,777 : c.290 - Hand Mirror
nz2,266 * 916,682 : c.250 (Sitemeter) - Clint Heine
nz967 * 588,662 : c.230 - NZ Conservative
nz936 * 1,169,672 : c.210 (Sitemeter) - Roar Prawn
nz33,933 * 2,177,623 : c.160 - Hot Topic
nz? * 4,482,116 : c.150 (extremetracking) - Reading the Maps
nz? * 3,418,752 : c.100 (sitemeter) - Fundy Post
nz2,668 * 1,067,105 : c.90 (sitemeter) - Hitting Metal
nz7,082 * 1,465,415 : c.80 (sitemeter) - Anti-Dismal
nz? * 1,349,125 : c.75 (sitemeter) - Web Weavers World
nz? * 2,502,244 : c.70 (sitemeter) - Capitalism Bad Tree Pretty
nz34,626 * 2,799,881 : c.55 (sitemeter) - Blair's Brain
nz? * 3,370,862 : c.50 (sitemeter) - Dad 4 Justice
nz26,229 * 5,511,730 : c.50 (sitemeter) - Laws 179
nz? * 8,606,495 : c.45 (sitemeter) - Born on SH1
nz19,366 * 1,664,643 : c.40 (Sitemeter) - Aotearoa Wider Perspective
nz37,4764 * 4,219,520 : c.35 (sitemeter) - Put up thy Sword
nz? * 8,240,534 : c.30 (statcounter) - Unity Blog
nz? * 5,122,068 : c.20 (extremetracking) - Neil Stockley
nz? * 8,580,158 : c.20 (sitemeter) - Joe Hendren
nz23,631 * 8,484,188 : c.20 (sitemeter) - VigesimalPundit
nz? * 8,853,835 : c.15 (sitemeter) - Quest for Security
nz56,700 * 16,906,154 : c.15 (Sitemeter) - Righto Chaps
nz? * 18,126,558 : c.10 (extremetracking) - NZ Debate
nz? * 16,336,695 : c.10 (sitemeter) - Section59 blog
nz? * 8,108,003 : c.10 (sitemeter) - Sagenz
nz? * 21,926,819 : c.10 (sitemeter) - ObservatioNZ
nz? * ? : c.5 (sitemeter) - The Re[mixed] Baptist

New estimates (09/2008+):
0.1m = c.1000
0.2m = c.900
0.3m = c.800
0.4m = c.600
0.5m = c.350
0.6m = c.200
0.7m = c.180
0.8m = c.160
0.9m = c.140
1m = c.100
1.5m = c.70
2m = c.60
2.5m = c.50
3m = c.45
3.5m = c.40
4m = c.35
5m = c.30
No data=c.5.


Media Blogger said...

Hey there, still trying to get my head around how all this works. While I'm doing that do you want to check out my blog?

ZenTiger said...

Here's the way I worked out my stats, you might find the example useful:

Tumeke Stats for September 2008

MandM said...

Why is my blog not here? Our stats are higher than those at the bottom.

Just wondering how it works?

Swimming said...

you missed my blog to, as at today I have averaged 317 a day (unique visits) since the counter started, but have had a bit of a spike recently as have most people....

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, happy to see somebody pointed you in my direction, and you can most certainly listed my political leanings as Left.

- Queen of Thorns